September 24th, 2009




[This's a feeling of hunger, of bloodlust. His other has this feeling often, but he's almost new to him.

It doesn't change the fact that he's hungry. Very, very hungry.

This strange place can allow them to be separate, a dream world. Agito has vanished off somewhere, and Akito's not overly worried about that. He just wanders the hallways, looking for someone.

Hunger needs to be filled, after all]

((Vampire!Akito, for your amusement~ Also as a bonus, if you want him to, vampire!Agito can show up <3))




[The shadows are different tonight. Conrad's measured steps down the corridor avoid them where he can, the sight of each dark corner causing his senses to pique almost painfully. The wan lighting in the corridor is barely any repose at all, each cautious glance into the dark only increases the prickling feeling on the back of his neck. There's something out there, he can feel it. Someone watching him. Waiting.]

[Hunting him.]

(OOC: Conrad from Marina seeks vamp for fun tiems! His blood is especially tasty tonight. >D Up for anything, though if the character hasn't met him before... be prepared to coax him or be forceful. XD)