August 15th, 2009



[A long day of work calls for a long night of partying. Not sure how he ended up here but knowing the music and beat drew him to it, Roxas found himself within a dance room located in the mansion. He wasn't the only one, it seems, to be enjoying the rhythm the DJ was giving to the audience. Room dark, flashing lights from everywhere, all that can be seen of the teen is a tuft of blonde hair and mess of black and white clothes. And, of course, a body moving to the bump bump the music was producing. The throbbing vibrated into his very core, giving him a make shift heart beat. Could have been this, could have been the long day, could have been the attraction to the area, but whatever it was the young Nobody was dancing up enough to show up an amateur.]

[ooc: Um. Have Roxas from Treno. Even though it hasn't started. *_*]