June 2nd, 2009

[info]the_other_rat in [info]erasedrpg

Characters: Vittoria and Tobias
When: Tuesday, June 2 past midnight
Setting: Tobias' home
Content: PG-13 to be safe
Summary: Vittoria breaks into Tobias' home for a client to steal an artifact
Status: Active

I've been burned so bad but I still play with fire )

[info]there_you_are in [info]erasedrpg

Characters: Revel (Cheshire, [info]there_you_are) & Ace (Tramp, [info]whaddadog)
When: Tuesday, June 2, Afternoon
Setting: The park
Content: Presumably Worksafe; no adult content detected.
Summary: Video game shopping leads to a new friendship?
Status: Active

If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. )