Wednesday, December 31st, 2008

WHO: Junta, Ailani and Jackie
WHAT: New Year's Eve fun!
WHERE: Ailani's place first, then a rooftop, then Times Square for the ball dropping!
WHEN: Evening of New Year's Eve
RATING: PG-13 to start
STATUS: Incomplete and closed

Fireworks to bring in the new year! )
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Tuesday, December 30th, 2008

Who: Sam (Marrow) and Phoebe (Toad)
What: He's relaxing and she's hanging around...literally
Where: Sisterhood hideout, sitting area
When: Late afternoon/Early evening
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete and closed

He's seeing woman, that is )
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Sunday, December 28th, 2008

WHO: Pietra and Weston
WHAT: She's in her room, thinking about the attack
WHERE: Her room in the mansion
WHEN: Sunday evening
STATUS: Incomplete
RATING: No more than PG, I'm sure

Thinking, thinking, thinking )
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who Taggart
what A walk in the night
when Sometime after dark, between Saturday and Sunday
where In the Salem Center and Westchester area, somewhere
status Incomplete/Closed
rating PG-13 for minor language.

When darkness is in, and darkness is out, and everything seems to fray... )
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Saturday, December 27th, 2008

who Teddy and Angel
what Neither of them are handling the post-attack blues very well.
when Saturday afernoon.
where The outdoor (drained) pool.
status Incomplete.
rating PG for now.

I wish that you would step back from that ledge, my friend... )
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Wednesday, December 24th, 2008

Who: Tricia and open
What: Late night smoke
Where: Her usual smoking perch
When: Early this morning
Warnings: Black Air demons

Moonbeams and Demons )
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Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

Who: Callisto, OPEN
What: Having a smoke
Where: A couple blocks down from the Mansion
When: December 23rd, late afternoon
Rating: PG-13

I'm a human being. Being happy and sane. Oh but human beings, we all need to quit being inhumane )
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txt to Matt

Text Message )
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Monday, December 22nd, 2008

WHO: Tricia Wisdom
WHAT: Smoke Break
WHEN: December 22nd around 2PM
WHERE: Outside at the Mansion
RATING: PG-13 for now

Slipping Out for a Smoke )
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Who: Destiny and Mystique to start (Vagrant can probably jump in later, yay family!)
What: A normal evening in the penthouse.
Where: Their New York home
When: Monday evening
Rating: PG-13, though I'll keep you posted

One look sends it coursing through the veins oh how the feeling races. Back up to their brains to form expressions on there stupid faces... )
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Wednesday, December 17th, 2008


who The Sisterhood and those at Xavier's Mansion
what Magnetra wants to pay her old friend a visit. Plus, there's something more sinister brewing in her plans as well.
when Late afternoon on Tuesday.
where Xavier's Mansion.
rating PG-13
status Incomplete.

What do you do when the world crumbles beneath your feet? )

OOC Instructions )
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Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

Text Message to Void

txt message )
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Monday, December 15th, 2008

Who: Kit and Jackie
What: Jackie is trying to be sneaky and figure out what Kit wants for Christmas!
Where: The lounge
When: Monday afternoon
Rating: PG-13, for possible talk of their attacks.

Now if she does it like this, will you do it like that, if she touches like this will you touch her like that )
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Who: Taggart Smith and Calle Rankin
What: Birthday Run for Ice Cream and a Movie
Where: From the Mansion to Salem Center, and Back
When: Noonish
Warnings/Rating: To Be Decided
Status: Incomplete/Closed

Twas a bouncy day, and a bouncy trip... )
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Sunday, December 14th, 2008

WHO: Siobhan (Banshee) and Monty (Bruiser)
WHAT: Watching a certain twice-stolen copy of Horton Hears A Who
WHEN: Sunday, December 14.
WHERE: The 'Lounge' Area of the Sisterhood Hideout.
RATING: R, because Banshee curses like a sailor.
STATUS: In-Progress, Closed.

nothing like a little violence between friends. enemies. frenemies? )
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Saturday, December 13th, 2008

Who: Kit and OPEN to anyone who wants to hear him crying.
What: Returning home after his run-in with Banshee and Monty
Where: Xavier's place, one of the lounging rooms.
When: Friday a little later in the afternoon
Rating: PG-13 for emotional distress

And I don't want the world to see me )
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Sunday, December 7th, 2008

WHO: Matthew (aka Void) and Kait Ford (Wither)
WHAT: Chillin like a villain.
WHEN: Midday, Monday (Dec. 8, 2008)
WHERE: A coffee shop in town.
RATING: pg-13 for now.

let's go. if you want it, you can get it. let me know. )
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Thursday, December 4th, 2008

Who: Waverly and OPEN
Where: the Sisterhood house
What: preening in the kitchen sink
When: after sunset
Warnings: TBA

At night she spreads her wings, she dreams of bigger things. )
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who Scynthia Summers and YOU!
what Scynthia scared, seeks refuge at the lounge she sings at.
when Thursday evening.
where Compagnie Bar & Grill
rating tba
status unfinished

no matter how hard I try, you keep pushing me aside. and I can't break through, there's no talkin' to you. )
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Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008

WHO: Joan and OPEN
WHAT: The hermit ventures out of her apartment!
WHEN: Thursday morning
WHERE: A bookstore
STATUS: Incomplete

venturing into a brave new world )
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