May. 31st, 2008


Remember when..? {Atten: Jou & Hisoka}

Without sound the jagged tear opened black and endless against the blue sky, a second later it had healed up leaving no sign of its ever being there in the first place. However the creature it had allowed to cross through its dark maw soared the sky above the market area of the town below it, eyes watching the people moving through it idly. He wasn't looking for anyone purposely, but when he spotted a certain blond, the massive clawed wingspan dipped to tilt the body into a downward angle to take him down closer.

Affirming the identity of the young man, he briefly considered the choices and promptly decided on the next course of action to be put into effect, starting with once again lowering his flight to brush the tip of one wing down over the top of the blond's head to let him become aware that there was something there with him now. The next action would be the boy's, depending on it, he would decide what course would follow -- or rather one might say just how long the rest of his time here would be, extremely short or perhaps lasting for just a few hours longer, provided they weren't rudely interrupted in the course of their little game.