Monday, April 18th, 2016

Whoever you are that brought me here not humans, I understand I may look like I need a vacation, but really, I just need to be getting back. Now.
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Saturday, April 16th, 2016

Alright I think that's enough with these damn videos. There has to be a networking source somewhere on this ship, something that makes this thing run. If we can find it we can probably shut the whole thing down.

Unless you're all enjoying having peoples lives pasted in public for all of us to see.
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Wednesday, April 13th, 2016

[Please enjoy this video for your enjoyment!]
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Tuesday, April 12th, 2016

What kind of complete moron wrote this crock of shit letter? Because if you are human then you're also an idiot.

And I'd like to show you what I think of this 'vacation'.
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Thursday, April 7th, 2016

What do you guys think are the chances that we're on our way home now?

I really hope you're doing better because if you're not, we no longer have access to anything in that place that may have helped us find a cure.

How's you're not so little situation going?
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Guess our 'fucking adventure' in Wonderland is over.

I'm kind of afraid to find out what our captors have planned for us next.
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Sunday, April 3rd, 2016


This isn't working. This isn't going to work It's not getting better. But it's not getting worse, so...there is that. I figured I'd check in with you so you aren't stuck in panic mode wondering. I've never taken so many cold showers in my fucking life...
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Friday, April 1st, 2016

Don't drink the water out there because
This place is fucked up
My arm is going to fall off. It's literally going to fall off. If I don't chafe fir
I just miss Braeden, that's all it is. That's all it is, water doesn't do that. I'm just
It's fine

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the flowers actually sang to me when I was taking a run this morning.
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Thursday, March 31st, 2016

Hello fellow humanS. Are you ready for the fucking adventure

iF you have any curiosities, we shall have a respond.
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Monday, March 28th, 2016

I'm going to close my eyes and count to three and when I open them, I'm going to be in my bed.

3... 2... 1...


Did anybody try clicking their heels?
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What the



This doesn't feel like a Push.

Would I really know if it was a good Push?

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Sunday, March 27th, 2016

You know, usually vacations are voluntary. But I guess since English defintely isn't the first language of these Also Humans, I can give 'em a pass there. And maybe I'll even give them the benefit of the doubt on their intentions. First non-consensual probing, though, and I'm going to be having words with someone.

I am however, going to take offense at some of the things I definitely had on me no longer being on me. Anyone comes across a real unique looking wrist strap, I'd really appreicate if you let me know. And don't press any of the shiny bits.
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Monday, March 28th, 2016

It was supposed to be over
We were supposed to be able to rest

Alright, it's obvious that none of us know what's going on right now and everybody seems confused so let's try to gather ourselves and tackle this like adults. At least, I hope we're all adults

My name is Lydia Martin, I come from Beacon Hills, California. We're all obviously different genders and ages so it doesn't look like that's the common link between all of us, but I'm assuming we all got the weird note? Whoever is here obviously got this glass thing, that's the only parallels I can draw so far.

Here's the obvious question I doubt anyone has a good answer to; does anybody here know how to navigate a giant cruise ship? If not, does anybody know how to navigate or figure out our general location? If we can get a handle on where we are we might be able to work together and find a way to get ourselves on land and take it from there.
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Holy crap, this room is fancy.

Do I have to share it?
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