Endless Epitaph

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June 1st, 2009

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Who: Ryan Dallion or Ryan the Lion
Where: Curious Goods; Chicago, IL
When: January 29th 2009
What: Ryan reflects on the incident the day before…and finds a new mystery to solve.
Rating: PG-13 for now. Could go to R
Notes: Ryan’s card is uh…oh, The Tower. Fires springing up will be linked to the card. Only he doesn’t know it yet.

Ryan heads downstairs after a long night sleep sipping his coffee. It was his fuel for what would most likely be a long and exhausting day. Those were always the kinds of days they had around here.

He noticed an envelope on the floor. Someone must have been tossed in the mail slot last night because there was nothing there before he went to sleep the night before.

He picked it up and opened it. Inside, was a tarot card.

The Strength Card.

The guy that came with Alli the other day must have found the guy and gotten the card back. Guessing it didn’t end well. After placing the card in the vault, Ryan went out to get a newspaper.

His suspicion was soon confirned when he picked up and read the newspaper’s headline. A man had died of an apparent suicide. While there was nothing overly suspicious there was a mention of high testosterone in his system.

He made a note to try and find the guy later and thank him for getting the card back to the shop. Most people who know what that card could do, would use it to their advantage, but this guy did the right thing.

Also on the front page, there was a front page story about another fire in the downtown area. There had been several fires in that area over the last month. Strangely only a handful of the fires had no explanation.

He had checked the manifest, but there were few items that would fit the mysterious fires. Ryan thought for a moment, and a thought occurred to him. Maybe there was another tarot card out there that was causing this. He picked up a reference book off the shelf and found pictures of tarot cards.

One of which was a church on fire with figures falling to the ground. It would fit. But finding that card in the city would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

He’d have to figure out who would have motive to set these fires, how they were using the card, and most importantly…who was doing it.

Ryan placed a map on a tack board after calling the fire department and asking some questions about the fires he placed blue tacks and red tacks on the board. Blue tacks, fires that had easily determined causes. Red tacks being the buildings that burned down under mysterious circumstances and undetermined causes.

Fires happen, that was a thing you get use to in the city. But fires that seemingly are caused on their own were a different story. Looking at the map it looked like the red tacks were concentrated to one particular area.

Ryan picked up his camera to take outside photos of the mysterious fires…four in total thus far.

After a few hours, his pictures were taken and ready to be loaded onto his computer. But before heading back to the Curious Goods shop, Ryan made a pit stop.

He had been busy with Micki on acquiring some new antiques to sell for the store so he hadn’t been able to make it to the comic book shop for his new comics of the week.

So, he made a quick stop to his local comic book store to get his latest issues and say hello to Alli, his favorite worker at the comic book store. He’d have to remember to thank her and her friend for getting the card.

May 24th, 2009

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The Players : Xander Harris
Where : Chicago, IL
When : January 28, 2009.
Rating : PG13 – R for language.

Xander walked towards the bar with his Xander thoughts running around in his head. It had been a weird few days. Meeting both Lois and Alli had been great. Dealing with Simon had not.

Seeing Lois go was kind of sad though. Sure, he just met her, but it was good working with her. If it hadn’t been for the whole Joker thing, they probably would have had a better goodbye than the awkward one they had.

Xander headed downstairs to the bar and smiled at his two co-workers. “Evening ladies. How are my gals?”

“We should be asking you the same thing…we heard what happened. Kind of surprised you’re here. What the hell happened that you were thrown on top of a car,” Mary asked.

“Yeah. Piss off a Terminator,” Wendy asked.

“It’s a long messy story. Don’t worry about it. I’m fine. Still a bit sore, but otherwise fine.”

“And that girl you left with the other night? Made in progress?”

“Yeah. Like every other woman in the world I’ve met, she left as quickly as she came into my life.”


“Went back to Metropolis…you know where she lives. I’m sure our paths will cross at some point again.”

“Right,” Wendy said placing a newspaper on the bar. “And Xand, we’re gonna need you in the back in a little bit to bring in the beer mugs.”

Xander took the paper and nodded as he started going through it. When a few articles caught his eye. The front page was all about the Joker robbery. It still made his blood run cold when he saw the Joker with that gun. Also made him nervous. Wondering if the Joker was still around and if he bumped into him, would he try to finish the job.

Xander turned to the back and saw an article about another death…a young woman. The same woman Simon was talking to the other night. Died of a suicide the article said. But something inside Xander was telling him otherwise.

“Looks like he made his third wish,” Xander thought aloud.

Crap. Now he can kill anyone now to get that card to give him strength. No more wishing required. Things just got a lot harder for him.

Why the hell was he even doing this? He’s not the superhero. He had no powers or anything that made him remotely special.

But he knew the answer. It was her.

She changed his life for the better…despite the hell he had both been through and fought. She gave him a purpose. Something to fight for. A purpose without ever having a purpose.

In the end, he did it because it was right. Because now with her being God knows where, he was alone in this city. He saw the things that lurked in the darkness.

He did it because no one else would.

He did it because the only thing that kept him from going crazy with being alone is saving lives, helping people. Ironically, he was still very much alone. Even with his new “sidekick”. That’d even be short lived cause it was how things were in Xander’s life.

“Xander,” Wendy said coming to the back. “Someone out front is looking for you.”

“Is it a pretty blue haired girl,” he asked standing up.

“No, its that guy you helped out a few nights ago. The guy that almost got beat up.”


April 11th, 2009

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Who: Xander
Where: Chicago, IL
When: January 26th (Starts moments after Lois/Xander RP)
Notes: More explanations on what’s going on

Xander was tired and frustrated after a very long night with Lois. Their investigation was the easy part. Explaining about monsters and demons and having to prove it with a visit to a small vampire nest, was the hard part.

He understood her aggravation though. It was a lot to take in. He was sure she’d feel better in the morning after she had some time to let it soak in. Or in a day or so. Cause it was very difficult thing to believe in, even if you see it in front of your face.

Xander headed downstairs to the bar and saw Mary and Wendy cleaning up. It was very late in the evening and it was closing time. The final patrons few patrons finished their drinks and headed out. The two of them were obviously drunk frat guys.

“Dude, we should totally buy a bar,” one said as they passed him to the door.

“Yeah! Totally, with no last call. Bar doesn’t close until the last person is finished.”

If he had a nickel every time he heard that.

“There’s the stud,” Wendy said clearing off a table. “So…details.”

“What details,” Xander said as he helped clean the tables. He was off the clock, but he still didn’t mind helping.

“We saw you talking to that girl,” Mary said. “Then you ran off with her. So, spill. Did you two…you know?”

“What? No. It wasn’t like that. It’s…it’s complicated. But nothing happened. And nothing will happen. She’s just a friend.”

Mary turned to Wendy. “Me thinks he protest too much.”

“You haven’t been on a date since we’ve known you,” Wendy said. “It’s okay if you did. We won’t be jealous.”

She winked at him.

“I’m not looking to date anyone right now anyway. She’s a reporter for The Daily Planet. I offered to help show her around the city and find a lead on a story she’s working on. That’s all.”

And of course took her to a vampire lair and staked a few vampires, but other than that…
The two women nodded.

“Good. Now that I see you ladies are doing fine without me. I’m gonna head home. I’ll see you ladies Tuesday.”

Xander went home and made an international call to the new Watchers Council. If something weird was going on, Giles would know and what he could do to figure it out.

“Rupert Giles.”

“Giles, its Xander.”

“Xander, so good to hear from you. Been a few months since I’ve heard from you. How are things? You’re in Chicago right?”

“Yeah. Los Angeles wasn’t for me. New York seemed a bit too big for me. So found the middle area. It’s not that bad. Save for the usual vampire population, its fairly quiet,” he said stressing fairly.

“Notice you said fairly there…what’s going on,” Giles asked.

“Well, it’s probably nothing. Just me grasping at windmills or whatever…”


“There was a guy who got killed here a couple nights ago. Ran over by a bus. And in a long complicated story short, I think something supernatural is behind it. It literally came out of nowhere. And all the witnesses say the same thing.”

“Xander, much as I’d like to think there’s something behind it, it just sounds coincidental. If you had more to go on…”

“I checked out the guy I think might have known something. He had a tarot card,” Xander said. What was it Lois said it was…”Strength Card I think. And I noticed his fridge was moved back. I know its small, but…”

“You believe that the two are connected?”

“In theory. Have any knowledge on this kind of thing Giles?”

“Sorry Xander. I think you’re seriously reaching on this one. However, the old council, before it was destroyed, dealt with certain antiques of an occult nature. There’s a shop called Curious Goods in your area. I’ve never dealt with them personally, but if you find some more evidence, go there. They might be able to help you.”

Oh, look. Xander just smacked into a brick wall.

“Okay Giles. Thanks anyway.”

“You’re welcome. But do keep me in on your progress on this. I might be able to help once we have more information.”

Xander sighed and nodded. Giles was right. He didn’t have much to go on save for a gut feeling. He was grasping and straws on this one.

“Alright. I’ll do that. Talk to you soon Giles. Bye.”

Xander hung up and plopped on the couch, letting the day wash away as he succumbed to sleep. One day, he might actually sleep in his bed.

The Next Day... )
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