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Encircle Talent

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[23 Aug 2010|08:35pm]

My name is Maryse Ouellet, better known simply as Maryse. And I too, work for the WWE. I am a two time WWE Divas Champion. When I'm not working and kicking ass in the ring, I occasionally model.

Random fact about me. I've posed for Playboy 12 times, being featured in their specialty issues. Do I regret posing? Absolutely not. Would I do it again? Probably.

I just got back yesterday from doing shows in Hawaii, Japan and China all last week. Now that I'm finally caught up on laundry, I can rest up a bit.

Whats one thing you have to do as soon as you get home from being away for bit?

MissOuellet // ooohmaryse@gmail.com is how to reach me.
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[ viewing | August 23rd, 2010 ]
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