Jan. 23rd, 2008


Title: Merry Christmas Morn
Author: [info]ladybrighid3333
Fandom: paixaocrack, Naruto, YuGiOh, Castlevania, FMA
Characters: Bakura, Aeslyn, Zetsu, Deidara, Naruto, Tobi, Soma, Mina, and a mention of Nina
Summary: Christmas morning in the crack hotel! :o
Rating: G
Warnings: has the starting tracings of sugary fluff :D
Word Count: 280 words
Author's Note: This is what happens when I have too many muses and not enough time to write a full story. XD You get a scene clip! Happy Holidays, Matt, Infy, Mel, Yui, and Hati.

Bakura woke to find a little girl curled up beside him on his usual chair in the corner of the hotel lobby. )