February 27th, 2008

[info]dreamersunited in [info]emmys_writings

Title: Working Through This
Author: Emmy, [info]ladybrighid3333
Fandom(s): Pretear & Castlevania Sorrow arc
Challenge: [info]50episodes, Table 2, Prompt 50: Watching the Clock
Claim: Sasame from Pretear
Rating: G
Word Count: 392 words
Summary: [Crossover AU] A very interesting postcard triggers some not so happy memories for Sasame.
Warnings: emotional issues and triggers, angst, spoilers for Pretear and some subtext spoilers from the Sorrow arc of the Castlevania series.
Author's Note: An episode from a speculative epistolary crossover I'm thinking of writing...Mostly because Soma and Sasame have all too much in common and the Pretear universe's time period is super vague, so a crossover is eligible. x-posted to [info]50episodes, [info]emmys_writings, and kittys_writings

Another day at work... )