February 14th, 2008

[info]dreamersunited in [info]emmys_writings

Title: Happily Ever After
Author: Emmy, [info]ladybrighid3333
Beta: n/a
Fandom: Castlevania: Sorrow Arc
Playlist: Different Now But Still The Same
Song: George - "Breathe in Now"
Claim: Soma/Mina
Wordcount: 283
Characters: Soma/Mina, mentions of Arikado, Hammer, and Co.
Notes:a cliche fic inspired by a fic a friend wrote for another fandom, an rp thread, George's "Breathe in Now", and lots of thought. Also a V-Day gift for Matt & Yui~ x-posted to kittys_writings, cv_fanfic, 30randomkisses(Prompt 30: Den), [info]mix_n_make, and [info]emmys_writings
Happy Valentine's day~ )