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Eminor Macula RPG

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Owl to Lisa Turpin [27 May 2008|01:40am]
from Padma )
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Narrative [27 May 2008|02:06am]
Who: Lisa and Mr. Crotchup
When: May 27, 2000
Where: The home of Aloysius Pewter
Status: Complete
Rating: PG
Summary: The two see one another for the first time since the "garden incident". 

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Owl to the Nott Family [27 May 2008|02:59am]
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Delivered By Express Owl [27 May 2008|06:50pm]
Invitations for the following plus 1 guest:

Minister Gawain Robards
Ms. Renya Everett (Head of the Foundation for Muggleborn Aid or FMA)
Ms. Rita Skeeter
Mr. Aloysius Pewter
Mr. George Weasley
Mr. Percy Weasley
Ms. Ginerva Weasley
Ms. Andromeda Tonks
Ms. Katie Bell
Ms. Astoria Greengrass
Ms. Angelina Johnson
Department Head of Magical Games and Sports
Department Head of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes
Department Head of International Magical Cooperation
Department Head of Magical Law Enforcement
Department Head of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures


The Hogwarts Class of 1998

You Are Formally Invited )
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Owl to Theodore Nott [27 May 2008|10:06pm]
from Padma Patil )
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