The City of Emillion

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Posts Tagged: 'sky+min'

Aug. 22nd, 2013



Who: René Beau & Sky Min & Pyr Min
What: visiting the bakery
Where: Baker's Dozen
When: before the riots in the Bazaar District
Rating: PG
Status: complete )

Aug. 19th, 2013



Why do you rub me up the wrong way? Why do you say the things that you say?

Who: Ari, Aud, Sky
What: Time to face the music, kiddo~
Where: Aud's room at the Sapphire
When: This evening
Rating: PG
Status: Complete~!

''I’m going to take a deep breath, pour myself some mead, and then you can tell me what happened.'' )



Trouble it will find you no matter where you go, no matter if you're fast, no matter if you're slow…

Who: Ari, Drake, Pyr, and Sky
What: The jig is up, kids!
Where: Bazar District
When: After 5 today
Rating: PG
Status: Complete~!

''This-- we can explain this.'' )

Aug. 18th, 2013



Who: Peony, Pyr, Ridley & Sky
What: Ridley the Zombie Slayer Tea and cake
Where: Peony's quarters, the Tower
When: Late afternoon, after dinnertime
Rating: PG-13 due to obliteration of chocolate cake
Status: Complete

Have you ever fought zombies? )

Aug. 10th, 2013



We've been on the run, driving in the sun, looking out for number one...

Who: Anyone in the area (Open)!
What: A summer holiday on the beach.
Where: Just outside the city.
When: Saturday.
Rating: PG/mark if higher.
Note: This event will last through the day and into the evening, so timestamp threads as necessary! Also, any volunteers for paling support (mages), guard duty (fighters), entertainment and general thievery (thieves) are welcome to indicate so here.

The sea finally seemed to grow peaceful at last. )

Aug. 8th, 2013


Who: Sky Min & Amos Luscini
What: A “confession”.
Where: The Cathedral
When: 8 Aug, afternoon!
Rating: PG-13 for mentions of naughtiness.
Status: Complete.

I... cheated. On my girlfriend. )

Aug. 4th, 2013



Who: Sky & Storm
What: A run-in
Where: Shieldwyrm
When: Backdated to Thursday, shortly after this.
Rating: PG because bb thief swears a lot
Status: Complete

It wouldn't do anybody any good if everyone thought that Pyr was so easily defeated by a girl, after all )

Aug. 1st, 2013



Who: Sky & Juliette
What: Sparring (mis)adventures!
Where: Shieldwyrm
When: This morning
Rating: PG because language
Status: Complete!

His mother always told him never to strike a girl, but really, if she was in the Fighters Guild and sparring, she should, theoretically, be able to take it. )

Jul. 12th, 2013



When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled...

Who: Audrey, Ari, & Sky
What: Hazing the bb, distracting Audrey, and making connections. In a brothel. Basically good times.
Where: Sapphire House
When: Today; just after 2:00pm
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

The fact that she was taking a teenager to a whorehouse didn’t even occur to her as a problem. )

Jul. 8th, 2013



Who: Sky Min & Ari Chiaro
What: The last TG thief bb thief pickpockets ... for now?
Where: Bazaar
When: Early afternoon today (July 8/Cancer 17)
Rating: PG because bb thief has a mouth
Status: Complete!

Now that Sky had a clean bill of health, and had had it for a few days now, he did not want to squander any opportunity. )

Jul. 4th, 2013



Who: Damia & Sky
What: A thief tries to pickpocket an ex-thief. Things do not go as planned.
Where: The Warehouse District
When: Earlier this morning
Rating: Tame, unless she decides to eat him for breakfast
Status: Complete

The warehouse itself wasn't particularly worthy of praise, but then again, all warehouses seemed the same to her: too big, too stuffy, and often overflowing with shady people. )



Who: Everyone.
What: The Festival of Lions.
Where: Through the main street, the city square, and across Emillion.
When: Cancer 13th (July 4th); all day.
Rating: PG (please indicate anything that needs a higher rating!)
Notes: For ease of reference, please also add the time and location in your subject headers!

The Festival of Lions commemorates an event so distant, that whatever purpose it once served has perhaps lost much of its initial meaning... )

Jun. 30th, 2013



Who: Peony, Sky, Pyr, Riyeko, Nate, Merri, and Wil!
What: Family (?) Sunday dinner
Where: Riyeko's house
When: Tonight!
Rating: PG-ish (or maybe more for Wil?)
Status: Complete-ish

Riyeko's dining room was rather crowded, with an extra table, mismatched chairs, one dog, two cats, a robot, and too many people... )

Jun. 29th, 2013



Who: Peony & Sky
What: An awkward family reunion (part 2/2)
Where: A shipping house at the Docks
When: Backdated: late Monday morning, 6/24, after this.
Rating: PG (TG bb's language, oh my~)
Status: Complete

Sky had really hoped that being bandaged on nearly every inch of his body would have spared him the indignity of work. )

Jun. 23rd, 2013



Cold, dark sea, Wrapping its arms around me, Pulling me down to the deep...

Who: Everyone in the area/Everyone who can get there!.
What: There seems to be more trouble!
Where: Port of Good Hope/ The Docks OR The Beach nearby?! (It's like a choose your own adventure book~)
When: 3:49pm.
Rating: R; violence!

Not a single cloud lingered upon the horizon, boats rocked gently in the port as they had been tied to the docks and their anchors had been dropped. )