The City of Emillion

November 2020



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April 22nd, 2014


stand in the sun, we'll dry your eyes.

Who: Pyr Min
What: Goodbye to a friend. (Narrative).
Where: The archery range at Lindwyrm Hall
When: This morning.
Rating: F for feels, and mentions of character death.
Status: Complete.

'Goodbye, Cress.' )

In every room and every hall I’ve seen your face, and it’s time for you to come and stay.

Who: Toku Matsudaira and his wife, Masuyo (NPC)
What: Checking for damage, and the beginning of repairs. (Narrative)
Where: The Matsudaira home, in the Commoners' District.
When: Friday evening, after the fighting.
Rating: F for feels, but otherwise tame.
Status: Complete!

'Are you all right?' )



and i confess that i'm only holding on by a thin, thin thread

Who: Ash & Cian
What: Ash wakes up
Where: Cian’s place
When: Today
Rating: PG-13-ish
Status: Complete

She knew where she was now. )



don't ask me what your sacrifice was for

Who: Merrion Priddy (+npc)
What: Emotionally preparing himself for the day
Where: Clinic in the Commoners
When: This morning
Rating: PGish (mentions of deaths and violence)
Status: Complete

The time for grief was for later, still.  )



Rack 'em up, knock 'em down.

Who: Almalexia Lliryn & Rictor Cassul.
What: Trying their hand at festival games.
Where: Emillion.
When: Backdated to day two of the Founders Festival.
Rating: Tame!
Status: Complete!

You’re in grievous risk of being bogged down by stuffed animals and plush Moogles at this point. )



Are there some aces up your sleeve?

Who: Gillian Goodwin & Ofelia Zhou.
What: A "surprise" meeting & eventual social call.
Where: Emillion.
When: Backdated to the third day of the Founders Festival, post-archery competition.
Rating: Tame!
Status: Complete!

Which are, of course, like manna to a gambler’s ears. )