The City of Emillion

November 2020



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March 16th, 2014



the spaces in between two minds and all the places they have been

Who: Genevieve Albrecht & Miles Baines
What: A friendly chat
Where: Genevieve's estate
When: 16 Pisces (6 March) backdated
Rating: PG-13 for hinted threats and Vivi and Miles being Vivi and Miles
Status: Complete!

But here, tonight, he walked right up to the front entrance even while all his instincts screamed at him not to. )



Who: Ari & Cressida
What: Being girls!
Where: A day spa~
When: This afternoon
Rating: PG-ish
Status: Complete!

Considering her friend’s new career would include a lot of mud and sleeping outdoors, Ari figured that a second visit to the small spa at the edge of the Commoners’ District seemed the wisest method of celebration... )



Who: Darius Delacreaux & Audrey Leradine
What: Confessions
Where: Darius’ Place
When: BACKDATED: (3/2)
Rating: PG-13 (Implied sexual relations)
Status: complete )



Who: Peony & Toku
What: Birthday Sads 2.0
Where: Peony’s quarters
When: Tonight
Rating: PG-ish
Status: Complete

It had been a very long day for Peony. )



you could say i saw him once; he was not at his best.

Who: Jareth Monaco & Wilham Wolfe
What: A reunion between former traveling partners who know too much about one another.
Where: The Greasy Spoon.
When: Backdated to mid-February, after this.
Rating: Language, because hello, it's Jareth.
Status: Complete!

Still finding places in the woods to hide in? )



I lose to you, surrendered at the start of the game...

Who: Aspel & Drake.
What: A date!
Where: Restaurant to Drake's apartment.
When: BACKDATED! (2/18)
Rating: NC-18, tbh. (TW: SEX. really graphic SEX.)
Status: Complete.

“I do believe if you are to properly begin making your transgressions against me up, we ought to relocate to somewhere a bit more private, no?”  )