The City of Emillion

November 2020



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April 14th, 2013



Founders Festival Ball at the Sackheim Inn.

Who: Open to everyone!
What: Founders Festival Ball.
When: The final evening of the Festival.
Where: Sackheim Inn.
Rating: PG (? - If an interaction starts going above this please mark such in the subject line.)
Status: Open.
OOC Notes: This is the last event, on the final night of the Founders Festival. Feel free to have fun but keep in mind there is security present and willing to boot people out of the event!

The rise and fall of live instrumentals can be heard before even stepping a foot inside the entry way of the Sackheim Inn. )



I know this isn't much but, I know I could I could be better...

Who: Darius and Drake
What: Fighter's Guild Exhibition: Day 3 of Festival.
Where: Around the exhibition grounds.
When: Before or after the match, you decide.
Rating: PG?
Status: Complete

The exhibition matches were supposed to be simple, a matter of show and whimsy but many of the combatants often forgot that. )



My friend has problems with winter and autumn....

Who: Riyeko and Chloe
What: I'm late, I'm late, no time to say hello, goodbye! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!
Where: Somewhere in Emillion.
When: Before the battlebots competition.
Rating: G?
Status: Complete

She was going to be running terribly late for the battle mech display if she didn't put the pedal to the metal! Which... Would be so much easier if she had both metal and pedal that she could compress. )



You stood up just to fall, and selfishly you stalled....

Who: Aspel, Drake and Bob the npc archer
What: Training!
Where: Outside Emillion.
When: Backdated to one of the days they were training.
Rating: PG?
Status: Complete

My grandmother hits harder in her sleep! )



And you feel like you feelin' now, And doin' things just to please your crowd...

Who: Aspel and Ari
What: Mead and a signature.
Where: After party~.
When: Laaaate Day two/early day three?
Rating: PG?
Status: Complete

Whatever she might consider appropriate payment otherwise, Aspel wasn't so sure she'd be ready, or able, to pay. )

Who: Altair and Riyeko
What: A (business) proposition
Where: Wherever the robot battle competition was
When: After the robot battle competition, Day 3
Rating: G or PG
Status: Complete

Excuse me, Miss... )