Jan. 28th, 2020




I really need some new but used, so obviously on the cheaper side, furniture for my place. Anyone got recommendations for where to shop?


So in light of what WENT DOWN, I think we should get together and set up a retreat for the trainees to get them to practice working together, and honing their skills outside of the stuffy classroom setting. Miss Wesker said I could put something together but...

Soooo good idea, bad idea? Meh?

Jan. 25th, 2020




Wanna go to Code Red?
Won't cost you anything.

Jan. 24th, 2020



[No Subject]

I'm not crafty at all, so can someone PLEASE make this for Smaug? )

He would look so darling in it! I'll pay, of course.

Jan. 23rd, 2020




You know, I never finished school for a reason. Adding magic tricks and punching people doesn't make me any less old for this bullshit.

At least there's always daydrinking.



Delivery for Daryn and Phil

Left in a brightly coloured giftbag. )

Jan. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

Text to Joey )

Jan. 20th, 2020





I had a lot of fun at a work function this past Friday, and the food was simply amazing.

[filter: fran]

Have you spoken to Grandpa at all lately? I was gonna talk to him at the mixer but he totally ditched, and like, hasn't answered any of my texts like wtf. I'm wondering if that Adrian dude did complain about me cause I think I offended him at the mixer. Ugh.