Elric Apartments - July 6th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Elric Apartments

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July 6th, 2011

A new home? [Jul. 6th, 2011|11:10 pm]


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After Envy left with Van to locate his father, Delilah left the clinic with Leah. Instead of using a PINpoint to return to her own apartment, she walked, using a cane Winry loaned her along with the orthopedic boot, across the property to the office.

She kept her eyes downcast, and concentrated very hard on not paying the slightest bit of attention to anything around her, lest she catch a glimpse of anything she didn't feel up to seeing, now more than ever. Even though Envy had told her he was staying, and was working on arranging things that he could, it didn't bring back everyone, and after that place, she didn't feel strong enough to deal with that yet.

Stopping in front of the office door, she hesitated, and knocked lightly.
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Finding Elrics [Jul. 6th, 2011|11:11 pm]


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After a brief conversation in the office with Ed, Envy headed upstairs to find Van. Not finding him at the apartment Ed pointed out as Van's, he headed up the next flight of stairs to look for him at the currently-occupied-by-out-of-towners apartment. He knocked on the door.
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