January 15th, 2011

[info]quietone in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Adrian Pucey and Tracey Davis.
What: Boredom relief.
Where: The Davis Estate.
When: Friday evening.
Rating: Low?

Seriously contemplating the idea of throwing a small party as she sat in her room, Tracey couldn't actually come up with a guest list that comprised of more than five people... )

[info]insufferable in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.
What: A civil discussion?
Where: Their flat.
When: Saturday morning.
Rating: Low.

She assumed that making a cup of tea would come under that, but still, Hermione was doing so while Ron wasn't around just in case he had anything to say about it... )

[info]sallycanwait in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Sally-Anne Perks and Justin Finch-Fletchley
What: There goes the neighbourhood
Where: Returning home from a day of errands.
When: January 15, 1999 - Night
Rating: Potential language

Well, she hadn't expected that. )

[info]weasleyis in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
What: A question and an answer.
Where: Their flat
When: Late at night, after the flying excursion.
Rating: ?

But the night wasn't a total loss. Not yet. )

[info]mandy_brockle in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Mandy Brocklehurst, Kevin Entwhistle and Open
What: First venture out in public in ages.
Where: Diagon Alley
When: Mid-Afternoon, Saturday
Rating: PG

Mandy needed to get out )