Egyptology and Egyptian Archaeology

A matter a million times true

February 17th, 2009


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In case anyone is really bored, there are some lulz available at this site, which purports to explain the connection between Moses and Sinhue (i.e., they both not only actually existed they were the same person and Moses was a 12th Dynasty Egyptian having adventures in the Levant). Also, these people were also apparently Senuseret III.

Especially epic is the use of Edgar Cayce as a legitimate, serious source. Bonus cameo by Velikovsky.

Okay, tbh, this is probably too easy a target because it's obviously made of crazy, and there is a hell of a lot of tl;dr. I just thought I'd pass on the link, in case anyone's suffering from insomnia.

Warning: it may not be as funny as advertised, since I'm kind of drugged up at the moment. It is possible drugged!Tab is easily amused.
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