Eclipse Roleplay ((OOC Corner)) [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Eclipse Roleplay ((OOC Corner))

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Opening daaaaay~ [Jan. 5th, 2008|09:38 pm]
[Current Mood | bouncy]

Grif is too lazy to switch journals, umm, yus

Eclipse begins today~ Or well.. "tomorrow", becasue nothing happened today XD. And I'm starting up this wonderful moment by beginning the first mini-event right now. Bascially, the log in which how everyone got into this insane little hellhole <3. Crack!events like genderswitching and stuff might happen later this month.

To the people on the VIP list(or once were):

Because I know many of you have been still getting things together, I feel like being extra awesome to you guys and just saying that "you don't have to worry about getting you app and such completed right now", other than it'll be cool if you get it finished soon. But you're all technically in-game right now. Call it a rush somewhat, because I wanna get things moving already~ D: (and plus all of you I know well enough that you won't screw things up <3 )
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Postponing [Dec. 31st, 2007|05:28 pm]
[Current Mood | moody]
[Current Music |Distant Worlds]

I apologize for the sudden death... as always. I been attacked by IRL drama(more so than usual) the whole time. And a few other stupid things -.-

Anyways, tomorrow was going to be openning day for Eclipse. And it still would be if.... everyone was actually here DX (I hate the holidays..)

That in mind, I'm moving the openning day for the January 5th now. Hopefully that will give everyone enough time get off their vacations and all that. So they can waster their time playing here! =D. And like before, people can also start early and such if they want to, so long as they sent me an app.

See j00s all in 2008, and all that other festive-ish stuff
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Yo~ =D [Dec. 22nd, 2007|09:02 pm]
[Tags|, ]
[Current Mood | accomplished]
[Current Music |Savannah Pride - Kingdom Hearts II]

Hello. My name is Grif, and I'm an alcholic the wonderful admin for this RP. Which means.... you must all bow down to me >D.... Well no, you don't have to. But it would be awesome if you did. This is actally my 3rd attempt of making a roleplay. After learning my lessons from mistakes on the past ones, I like to hope that I've gotten better at maintaining and building them. So, please be nice to it. D:

I will also be your resident Gig ([info]master_of_death) and Lavi ([info]wood_seal) mun.. As well as many other characters. Like Alphonse Elric, Trenia, and many others should the moment arise and if I feel up to it. Hopefully some antis to make things all the more interesting.... But for now, I'm sticking with these two.

Now, as for the roleplay itself. As of now, I can officially say the comm is pretty much all set and ready... But since this is really a bad time to be having a roleplay, everyone's all caught of in their personal lives because of the holidays, the actual grand opening of Eclipse won't be until New Year's Day(January 1st). What this really means, is actually nothing. People are welcomed to start early if they like(given that the applications if finished and accepted), but just don't expected anything big and fancy until then.. Just think of the next week and a half or so as like a "soft openning".

Also, if don't hear from most of the people on the VIP list from now until New Year's, they will be taken off. If you still need more time for some reason, lemme know beforehand.
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