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Roleplay ads!

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[28 Aug 2016|06:55pm]
would anyone play jade smith, or another guy against bieber?
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Repose! [28 Aug 2016|07:55pm]

Repose, Anywhere, USA.
No one knows what their neighbors are doing.

The little town is just off a midwest highway, past too many abandoned apple orchards, and at the end of a strangely empty stretch of road. “Welcome to Repose,” the sign at the border says.

On the surface, Repose is a nice, quiet place, with plenty of affordable housing and opportunity; a good place to hide and thrive.

Hold on to that ignorance. Now, hold it closer. What do your neighbors conceal in the privacy of their own homes, in their coffee cups, on their shelves? With that military facility out on the horizon standing silent guard, no one would think to look for anything peculiar here. Where else can a secret build into a calamity but in the lull of a small town?

Bury your secrets and watch them grow. This is Repose.


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[ viewing | August 28th, 2016 ]
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