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[14 Dec 2010|01:21am]

Astor Ridge


Opening January 1, 2011

Character Directory
Taken and Reserved PBs
Welcome to the Astor Ridge apartment building where luxury, decadence, seclusion and madness can all be found, right at the tips of your fingers. Boasting a history littered with murder, suicides, high divorce rates, affairs, and unexplained disappearances, it is safe to say that there are several dark secrets inside the opulent walls of Astor Ridge. From the building's penthouse apartment, high on the twenty-fifth floor, William Astor rules his kingdom with an unseen hand. Fortune - Good and bad - all change not with the winds, but at Astor's discretion. He's watching you see, and he sees everything. Every move, word, and action are his to dissect, and sooner or later, he will take an interest in you.

Pray it's fleeting.

Astor Ridge is an original character game set in the fictional Astor Ridge apartment building on the East Coast of the United States. The game opens on January 1, 2010 and is slowly coming together. Start with a fresh slate! We are looking for any and all original characters you might be able to think up!

*Because of the adult content that will play a major part in this game, the game is rated NC-17 with NO exceptions.

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[14 Dec 2010|09:57am]
So, if I were to open and college-based RPG based at The University of Texas @Austin, would anyone be interested? Also, if so, could I get a co-mod?

I am an actual Texan and Austin resident, so I can guarante that this will be pretty accurate :)
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X-Project - seeking students! [14 Dec 2010|10:48am]


Name: Catseye

Date of Birth: August 1, 1989

Powers: Shapeshifter - cat


The new school year has begun and X-Project is in need of students aged 14-17! There are a number of previously played socks and NPCs available and, while the current preference is for those formerly played/socked characters to be apped, the game would also welcome any new youngsters who who might arrive at Xavier's.

Plenty of gaming opportunities exist, from the New Mutants training team to groups such as the Red Cross initiative Red X, the NGO Elpis and the mutant-human coexistence group HeliX. Or there are just the wacky hijinks that ensue when you toss a group of super-powered teenagers into a mansion which just so happens to house a world class superhero team in its basement.

X-Project is an X-Men movieverse RPG on Livejournal. Set after X2, the game has been running since May 5, 2003 and uses a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. Whatever you might be looking for, be it classic superhero adventures, high school drama, dark and gritty spy games or interpersonal relationships, X-Project has it all. Again, the game would prefer applicants to consider available NPCs and socks, but applications for new/previously unplayed characters will be accepted. To help give you an idea of each character's history, a series of "cards" for each available character/NPC is available and, from there, applicants can easily reach the character's wiki page.

Readers are highly encouraged! If you're looking for X-Men based entertainment, X-Project welcomes you to read along and enjoy the ride!

Rules | Application | Available Characters | Game Wiki | Read The Game | FAQ|Contact Us

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[14 Dec 2010|01:15pm]
A brand new supernatural community based in Deva, Romania. The world is no longer a safe haven for humans, Deva remains the only place willing to protect them. Will you choose to live in fear? Or will you risk the chance of becoming food if it means being given a home?

Adds Tonight!
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[14 Dec 2010|02:10pm]
rob for a psl?
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[14 Dec 2010|04:47pm]
Players at:

[info]officeofthedean/The Quadrangle


[info]operamods/Genetic Opera

would be much loved! Both are Marvel games (Genetic Opera is X-Men only; The Quadrangle is all of Marvel) with great players, great characters and lots of fun plot to go around.

I'd especially love to see Hellfire Club members at the Quadrangle and lots and lots more students at Genetic Opera, but both games are pretty flexible with characters!
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[14 Dec 2010|09:34pm]
[info]wme Ryan Ross, Spencer Smith, Shane Valdés, Dallon Weekes, Ian Crawford, and anyone else that isn't taken.
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