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[04 Nov 2010|01:23am]
[info]copulation Dwayne Johnson, Ben Affleck, Chris Brown, Thomas Jane, Jeremy Piven, Rob Lowe, Penn Badgley, Hugh Jackman. Come join!

PSLs also wanted.
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Queer as Folk [04 Nov 2010|09:23am]
What if the bashing at Prom never happened?

Seeking a Justin Taylor for my Brian Kinney

Contact:This Post or KinneyofLiberty on AIM
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[04 Nov 2010|10:32am]

The Celestal Academy

Do You belive?
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[04 Nov 2010|10:55am]

Once upon a time. No that’s not how this story starts, not even close. Imagine a world where the entire Supernatural realm was real, where Humans were the latest endangered species. That’s the world we live in as of 2010. You see the oh so lovely government? Oh they’ve been hiding plenty of secrets from us, the existence of the supernatural is one of them. Our government has known about the existence since the early 1800’s, but swore to themselves and the supernatural councils, not to reveal the realm’s existence for fear of complete and utter chaos amongst all races.

Turns out the supernatural realm never gave a shit about us humans, oh no, they all saw us as food. We were pathetic excuses of walking flesh. After all those years of pretending that they weren’t real, sitting around watching the human society spit out shitty ass movies like Twilight, or Underworld, about the Vampric race, they were pissed. So in 2010 they came out, ignoring the so called treaty and thus the human race as we know it fell to the extinction line. Just like the Crimson Lily, Humans have too, become rare.

All across the globe the Human race is dotted upon the extinction line, those that have been captured are sold into slavery or as blood dolls/mules. To this day there is only one town that holds the Human race as highly as the other races. Only one town that frowns upon the slavery market for humans. Deva, Romania. That is where our story takes place, the only safe haven for humans and supernatural races alike.
Deva is located in the mountains and hills of Romania. It's a thriving oasis for Humans and Supernaturals alike, and is a bustling metropolis. The outskirts fade into the countryside, and everything is reachable by both car and horse, both popular modes of transportation here.

We're glad to have you.
OPENING TODAY! (November 4th, 2010) ADDS AT 8 PM PACIFIC
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[04 Nov 2010|02:29pm]

Musings has always existed, a world alongside our world.

In Musings, people live the way we do, eat the same food we do, love the same way we do, and work the same minimum wage jobs we do. The differences? They all have their roots in fictional characters, and they are immortal.

Though they are not the characters themselves, they carry in them the essences of characters from fiction. The sources that they spring from do not exist for them, but they are based on fiction we are familiar with all the same - though no one has ever read a Batman comic, there is a rich young man who uses his money to fight the forces of evil that destroyed his life. Though Moby Dick was never written, a sailor still stalks the bars of a town on the sea, watching, waiting.

Now, a portal has opened between the world of Musings and the mortal world, and the Creations (as they call themselves) have begun crossing over in droves. Now, they have abilities that they did not have in their own world, abilities that they can choose to do with what they will. There is no great prescribed fate for these echoes of fiction, only the destinies they choose to weave for themselves - living and losing on the shores of a new world.

Most Wanted: Literary Characters, Villains and Superheroes. Dean Winchester, Ophelia, Nite Owl II, Dracula and more wanted storylines here.


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[04 Nov 2010|05:32pm]

New PB City based RPG set in Charlotte, NC.
Check us out ! Fun times and dedicated mods guaranteed!
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[ viewing | November 4th, 2010 ]
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