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Roleplay ads!

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[27 Aug 2010|01:15am]
[info]arigolden Rufus Wainwright, Alexa Chung, Matthew Gray Gubler, Julian Casablancas, Leslie Feist, Beck, Ben Goldwasser, M. Ward, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Dave Annable, Demi Moore, Sandra Bullock, Elijah Wood, Mark Ruffalo, Gael Garcia Bernal, Tim Kasher, Jenny Lewis, Conor Oberst and all the other old Saddle Creek kids plus the Matador kids, maybe some Vagrant kids, bring us Rivers Cuomo and the Get Up Kids and my world might implode. Neon Trees, Juliette Lewis, Jason Lee, Dave Matthews, Courtney Love, Natalie Portman, Karen O and her fellas, Andrew Stockdale, Steve Bays, Meg White, Jack White, Alison Mosshart, plus Tim Burton, Helena Bonham Carter, Quentin Tarantino, Kevin Smith, Michel Gondry, Thurston Moore, John Cusack, Kid Cudi and this sexy fella for even more of the longshots.
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[27 Aug 2010|01:38am]
[info]mash4077th - Adds Sunday @ 7pm EST! Get those apps in :)
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[27 Aug 2010|01:57am]
I need to finish working on my girls bio, but would anyone be interested in playing the male half of a married couple? I was thinking they would have been married close to a year and she was starting to focus more on her career while he was trying to start a family.

I was hoping to start it somewhere in their anniversary trip, when she realizes that she is pregnant.
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[27 Aug 2010|02:11am]
[info]warts vs [info]durms; two schools/one game; next gen hp-verse slash
let's get some more Ravenclaws... or some 6th yr Gryffs and Puffs
and of course, Durmstrang boys!
more wanted charries here and an open membership storyline comm to plot!
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[27 Aug 2010|11:48am]
Attention Anime/Manga/Video Game Geeks!

Premise - Taken/Held PBs - Specific Jobs Available
Character List - Game FAQ - Housekeeping - Rules

Opens September 9th!
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[27 Aug 2010|02:56pm]
[info]philad is a small, group psl that focuses on a group of families (and their friends) that are all connected somehow. Playing is carried out over group threads, journal comments and even aim.

if you are interested, please comment this post or even here for more info. we are dedicated writers who really want to find others who want to create a great, family/friend based line that focuses on writing, is fun and active as well as being long term.
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[27 Aug 2010|05:30pm]
[info]cruciatusmods for all your dark Harry Potter, new generation needs. Opens next week, looking for all charies, even your original ones!!
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[27 Aug 2010|05:32pm]
[info]mash4077th - We need the Trapper hold to come back with a PB, and can the Klinger please contact us and let us know if you still want the hold?

Everyone else; adds are on Sunday @ 7pm EST, get your applications in!
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[27 Aug 2010|07:20pm]
Home? And someone to join with, too!
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[27 Aug 2010|09:17pm]
[info]insidefame Calling the entire LOST cast and everyone else!
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Salem Academy - An American Harry Potter Game on Inksome [27 Aug 2010|11:26pm]
The news is out. Witches and wizards are real, and now the muggles of America know this to be fact. Already people have taken sides, those for and against their very existence. Some witches have already suffered at the hands of more violent protesters, ending in tragedy on the campus of a Roanoke wizarding school. Burning at the stake has become a reality.

Graduation has come and gone, but the seniors aren't going anywhere. The Bureau of Magic needs them to protect the school from outside forces. Some call it volunteer service, some call it a draft. Some call it an opportunity, some call it oppression. Those who have chosen to stay are banding together to defend friends and family.

But they may just learn that when they stand together, they burn together.
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[ viewing | August 27th, 2010 ]
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