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[12 Jun 2010|12:19am]
A lot has changed in the three hundred and seven years since we first made contact with the Damarans. Even more in the seventy-five years that this war has been going on. There's children being born now, human children, who ain't ever even seen Earth.

Who are we when this damn planet starts feeling like home? Do we even remember what we're even fighting for? What makes us any different than them at this point?

I'm proud to report, though, that there's one thing that ain't changed in three hundred years.

War is Hell.

[info]projectdamara is a futuristic, sci-fi, OC RPG that is a little bit Firefly, a little bit Crest of the Stars, a little bit Halo, a little bit Avatar, and a whole lot of fun. We are currently seeking humans and aliens of all manners, classes, mindsets, and occupations to bring this rich world to life. Next adds June 14!
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[12 Jun 2010|01:25pm]
[info]renders opening after 15+ applications, get them in soon!!
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[12 Jun 2010|03:16pm]
julia roberts, matt damon, ben affleck,sandra bullock, penelope cruz, jason bateman, don cheadle, cate blanchett, diane lane, catherine zeta-jones, clive owen, salma hayek, vera farmiga, and renee zellweger. lets get the older crowd over to [info]screen
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[12 Jun 2010|05:32pm]
a supernatural group community
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[12 Jun 2010|05:39pm]
[info]richardlovett Looks like we've got a nice group of NHL players, and we'd like some more.
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[12 Jun 2010|05:51pm]
if anyone would be interested in a pb game set in the dallas/fort worth, texas area, leave a comment here and i'll set it up if theres enough interest!
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PTL: The Next Generation [12 Jun 2010|06:31pm]
Since the beginning of time, mankind has existed between the world of light, and the world of darkness. Our secret society has been here forever. Protecting others from the creatures that inhabit the shadows and the night.

The Legacy, a secret society that works under the guise of The Luna Foundation, a philanthropic organization with offices around the world. Unbeknown to most of the world, these offices, these houses, also work to recruit talented, intelligent, and gifted individuals in their fight to keep the darkness at bay. Debunking paranormal happenings as well as researching and helping innocents that are dealing with paranormal occurrences. Using new technology as well as ancient texts, they keep the creatures and followers of the Dark at bay. Always fighting for the light, they have had their share of losses. The San Fransisco house was destroyed in 1999. The surviving team members scattered to other houses around the country and world. The dark is creeping up again in the area and the house on Angel Island, has been rebuilt. A new team dispatched under a new house leader, the Precept. This new team will work on cases that have built up on the west coast, working with the police, hospitals and even the Derek Rayne Museum of Antiquities to solve mysteries, safely dispatch artifacts and keep watch over the shadows and creatures running rampant.

Known only by the Initiated by our true name. . . THE LEGACY.
Game Rules // Characters // Apply
Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

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Looking for a player [12 Jun 2010|06:38pm]
Hello! I'm looking for someone to help me fill a storyline over at [info]inshadowfalls. I have an extremely gullible, awkward, clumsy vampire who needs a manipulative, mean spirited human to claim as his own personal blood stash and take advantage of his naive nature. PB for my vampire is Neil Patrick Harris, if you need to know. Romance is not necessarily implied but not completely ruled out. Please AIM me at coupsurcoup as this game requires an invitation from a pre-existing player. Check out his profile at [info]jejeune (yes, I know that's spelled wrong ^_^ )
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Marvelous Heroes [12 Jun 2010|06:54pm]

Marvelous Heroes




Friending Button

Most Wanted

Ororo Munroe
Bobby Drake
Kitty Pryde
Raven Darkholme
Pietro Maximoff
Lady Deathstrike
Agent Zero
It has been three months since the incident at Alkali Lake. Life, is moving on. Xavier's School for the Gifted has been repaired and security enhanced. Cerebro is working again and new students are arriving. A new Junior team of students is under training for X Men status.

A team is being put together called the Avengers. A group working with the government to protect other mutants and meta humans as well as protect society from those that wish them harm. Working with them is the Fantastic Four. Stryker has survived and working with what is left of Weapon X, and a few new scientists, has begun work on the Sentinel Program. The Brotherhood is rebuilding and taking the silence of the government and the new team of Avengers as a sign that the fight, is far from over.

Marvelous Heroes is a mature, literate writing group that role plays out plots in the Marvel universe. We are a mix of comic and movie verse and do not consider X3: Last Stand, or Origins to be canon. Adapting other Marvel characters to the universe as we go, we are always looking for writers that want to stretch their literary muscle by inspiring and being inspired by others writing and character development.

GAME BEGINS June 10th. Join today>>>>>

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PLC [12 Jun 2010|07:29pm]
pates la crepe academy
Welcome to an elite high school for only the best students. Here at Pâtes la Crêpe, we strive to help the student's fulfill their dreams and aid the students in achieving any and all goals... whether it's world domination or to become the best at spitballs. A word to the wise though: Anything may happen at this school, depending on the goals of those who take residence here. Safety is not a guarantee.

We're looking for more potential people to share in all of the chaos awesomeness that is Pâtes la Crêpe Academy.
All "wanted" characters are just what people are looking for, any character is welcome anytime!
**If the mods don't get back to you within a couple of days and it's been like. More than a week, please b 2 poking us.

[info]pateslacrepe | [info]plc_ooc | [info]plcmods
dorm listings | taken/reserved/dropped | wanted | friend all | f.a.q. | school rules | teacher/student resources center
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[12 Jun 2010|08:06pm]
I want to play her again so home for Grace Potter? And if I could get the other Nocturnals to come along too, that would kick ass.
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[12 Jun 2010|08:32pm]
Welcome to Avalonis, where superheroes and villains walk the streets and nothing is quite what it seems.

The city of Avalonis was once dubbed the superpowered capital of the world and even today the city is filled with people who can do the most extraordinary things. Some can move things with their mind, others can read them and then there are some who have no powers at all but insist on fighting for justice nonetheless. As when you have a city filled with heroes, villains will follow and now the city is host to some of the most spectacular and epic show downs the world has ever seen.

Beneath the shiny exterior of the city and the side that the tourists come to see in the hope of catching a glimpse of the city's famous heroes and villains is a layer of corruption. The Irish mob and Italian mafia control parts of the city, pushing prostitution and drugs onto the streets of Avalonis. If there's something you crave then there's always a way to get it, no matter how sordid your tastes.

There's a reason why the city needs heroes. Avalonis Police Department is rife with corruption. The internal struggle within the department is probably why they have yet to pay full attention to the recent disappearances of young superpowered individuals, but how long can these disappearances remain unnoticed and who knows more than they're letting on?

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[12 Jun 2010|08:58pm]
Going to [info]screen. Where are you, Adrien Brody?
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[12 Jun 2010|10:17pm]
Anyone out there that would like to play Damon Salvatore against my Elena Gilbert?
Sorry for the x-posting, comments are screened!
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[12 Jun 2010|10:29pm]
The world was normal at one point, but for some reason things have changed. Things began happening that are not so normal. People began developing special abilities, and not only that, but portals from some other places began appearing and randomly spewing out people. Some people are normal and just not in their element, some look different... not human. Some others have special gifts as well.
Use the links below in case you have interest in joining the rpg

Lee and Will
Aim: Chistarion

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[12 Jun 2010|11:48pm]
[info]maskofstars Tomo, please and everyone else.
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