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[10 Apr 2010|12:08am]
[info]pythagoreans I'd love to see more of the X-Men cast
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[10 Apr 2010|12:09am]
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[10 Apr 2010|12:33am]
Alexander Skarsgard, Stephen Moyer, Deborah Ann Woll, Jim Sturgess, Kate Winslet, Jamie Bell, Henry Cavill, Edward Norton to [info]richardlovett
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[10 Apr 2010|12:39am]
Could I have a slash line with an athlete?
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[10 Apr 2010|01:04am]
Wanted Lines

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Dark Obsidian: An Original Noir Game [10 Apr 2010|08:08am]

Maybe you should join the force, huh?

Welcome to Obsidian City where the sun never shines, the crime never sleeps and love never dies.

A dark city in all sense of the word, Obsidian City is lucky to see one day of sunshine. If the city is dark at night, it isn't much better during the day. Too much smog and cloud blocks out the half decent light that struggles in between the skyscrapers. People make do though, possibly a little angrier than those who live under the undivided sun, a little more miserable, a little more hopeless. This is no city for the weak, and it certainly isn't a tourist hot-spot.

Obsidian City was never a shining city on the hill, it was built and born as if already crumbling down. Beneath the heavy, dark clouds that rarely seem to let up, lies a sprawling mecca of theft, corruption and greed. It really is no wonder that in such sunlight starved streets, there is little light to be had in the city’s inhabitants. Each jewel-named district hardly lives up to its name: The Ruby District, a self-sufficient community of its own, ruled by whores, who are the law. The rich are safely tucked away in The Onyx Towers, far from their poorer brethren, the utterly impoverished who languish in the Ivory Narrows.

Outside of The Ruby District, where the only laws are their laws, it is not the oft corrupt and always under funded police force that holds the most sway in the run of Obsidian City. No, the city is divided up and controlled by three major crime families, in close environs that seem to speak of a constant threat of war between two or more of the ruling families.

The Russians led by the Petrovskii Family, from their base of operations, Duma, an upscale nightclub known for its beautiful women and for the illegal deals made in dark back rooms, lord over the Diamond District. The Irish led by the O'Donnell Family, from the Irish pub that the first O'Donnell to come to America founded, long ago, loud and busy and full of their history, control the Emerald District. The Italians led by the Pavoni Family, from their Italian family restaurant in the center of the Topaz district, and come with as much flourish and ceremony in both their illegal deeds and their lifestyle.

The Families are not the only ones that the populace should fear, as there have been recent whispers that there is a serial killer preying upon the inhabitants of the city, lurking in the shadows and bringing death with them.

As if the population of Obsidian City didn't have enough on their plate, they now need to look over their shoulder at every step.

And so do you.

Take a walk around town, if you're feeling lucky
Scenes OOC Mods
Rules FAQ Premise Characters Wanted Holds
Apply Contact the Mods Area Info</font>

Dark Obsidian is a brand new original Noir Game.
Come see if you can make it in this town...Or die trying.

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[10 Apr 2010|09:54am]
After some consideration I've decided to take him to a new home. Any suggestions?
3 comments|post comment

[10 Apr 2010|10:35am]
[info]screen; the rest of the Creek cast, Mike Vogel, Ryland Blackinton
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[10 Apr 2010|11:19am]




Explore your passions with us...

Premise || Available || Rules || Apply || Taken || Contact List
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[10 Apr 2010|11:20am]
How about an Ian and/or Paul for a celeb or PB threading based psl?
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[10 Apr 2010|12:00pm]
Home or PSL?
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[10 Apr 2010|12:37pm]
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[10 Apr 2010|01:44pm]
[info]richardlovett More hockey players!
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[10 Apr 2010|02:01pm]
[info]biography - mads mikkelson, nicholas hoult, hans matheson, abbie cornish, alexa davalos, eva mendes, luke treadaway, jessica chastain, joel moore, michelle rodriguez, moon bloodgood, radha mitchell, michael vartan, adam garcia.
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[10 Apr 2010|03:46pm]
[info]poise robert downey jr, jude law, owen wilson, marion cotillard, christian bale, amanda seyfried, cillian murphy. comment or pm me if you'd like an invite!
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[10 Apr 2010|04:00pm]
Home or psl?
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[10 Apr 2010|04:10pm]
Would give anything for at least one of these two guys to come to [info]velvetroom
Steve Carlson
Jason Manns
Timothy Hutton
Riley Smith
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[10 Apr 2010|05:16pm]
Home for this guy
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[10 Apr 2010|06:51pm]
Corbin Bleu, Jesse McCartney, Amanda Bynes, Logan Lerman!
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[10 Apr 2010|08:21pm]
would anyone play rostam batmanglij against ezra koenig in a psl? or would anyone play any of the remaining members of vampire weekend and bring them to [info]edit so he could have his bandmates around? i can try to help with info/pics/icons/whatever you might need
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X-Change: A Gender-Swapped Marvel Game [10 Apr 2010|08:42pm]





Drop Box


Scarlet Witch
Nick Fury
Mastermind II
Lady Mastermind
Young Avengers
Masters of Evil
Evil Characters
Welcome to the new world of Marvel, where every character that you know and love has been gender-swapped. Where everything in this already confusing world has been turned upside down and rearranged. Where some things are so different, it's hard to recognize them. And yet others... Well, some things just cannot help but stay the same, no matter what universe you're in.

Take Charlotte Xavier and Erelah Lensherr for instance. They still were great friends who had bright hopes for the future of mutant-kind. But it was together that they created the Fellowship of Mutants, a safe-haven for mutants everywhere, or it was supposed to be. That was before Xavier saw the hatred in Magnona's eyes and knew that their ideals no longer meshed, so she left.

Or take Toni Stark, inheritor of billions which eventually led to her near-death and rebirth as Iron Woman. She founded the Avengers, but who came along with her? Well, that's for you to decide.

And then there's Naomi Osborne. Driven mad by a formula gone array, she now has a thirst for power, and she understands the word subtlety. She has formed the group known as the Masters of Evil, and she has plans to become the next Mayor of New York. Will she succeed? Well, she's already in the running, so... only time will tell.

X-Change is an easy-going Marvel role-play where gender-swapping in the name of the game. Just about all characters in the Marvel universe are open for play! Get your application in today!

GAME IS OPEN. Join today.

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[10 Apr 2010|08:56pm]
Ryan Gosling I would love you for an sl.
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[10 Apr 2010|09:36pm]
Home? Gold stars are awarded for a 4 week update limit or longer.
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who i play [10 Apr 2010|10:25pm]
my friend who plays megan fox and i are looking for a home. i'm open to characters, so if there's room for a megan fox somewhere, tell me who else is wanted. we're open to pb and celeb, though leaning closer to celeb. i'd also like to play a male
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[10 Apr 2010|10:48pm]
Home or (preferably) PSL? I'm flexible on the second.
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[10 Apr 2010|11:32pm]

rulesapplicationholds & pendingtaken

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