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[24 Mar 2010|06:57am]
If you’ve been living under a rock, allow The Prophet to clarify the fact that the world as you know it is at war. Since the beginning of the year 1979 your coworkers are no longer to be trusted; neither are your neighbors, your friends, nor even your grandmum sitting with that beady look in her eyes over her knitting. There is a call to arms and a race to fill every seat within the jostling Ministry of Magic, some desperate struggle for power on the edge of a gleaming city that exists only in the minds of the disillusioned. As the clock ticks away the minutes of an unraveling time, more are dying, magical and muggle alike. Take heed, youthful pioneers of a world burning to the ashen ground! Set forth and lament the losing’s, reap the ruptured, or comfort the condemned.

Your character will be given a number, one that might be drawn at random in order to facilitate plot within the game. Each week this will determine whether they are kidnapped, given a Ministry position, contract memory loss, or are senselessly tortured for information they may or may not have. The list goes on. Chance however, is the only mistress in which you can find unwavering loyalty.

This is an AU Marauder era game set in a war zone. The Order of the Phoenix and Death Eaters are struggling for power within the Ministry of Magic. It is a race against time with the pendulum swaying precariously between two very different futures. Trust no one but yourself.
[info]numbering [info]numeri [info]numeros

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[24 Mar 2010|08:51am]
[info]themodd! [info]themodd! [info]themodd!
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[24 Mar 2010|09:27am]
[info]arigolden Rufus Wainwright, Alexa Chung, Julian Casablancas, Leslie Feist, Ben Goldwasser, M. Ward, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Dave Annable, Demi Moore, Sandra Bullock, Elijah Wood, Mark Ruffalo, Gael Garcia Bernal, Tim Kasher, Jenny Lewis, Conor Oberst and all the other old Saddle Creek kids plus the Matador kids, maybe some Vagrant kids, bring us Rivers Cuomo and the Get Up Kids and my world might implode. Juliette Lewis, Jason Lee, Courtney Love, Natalie Portman, Karen O and her fellas, Andrew Stockdale, Steve Bays, Meg White, Jack White, Alison Mosshart, plus Tim Burton, Helena Bonham Carter, Quentin Tarantino, Kevin Smith, Michel Gondry, Thurston Moore, John Cusack, Kid Cudi and this sexy fella for more of the longshots.
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[24 Mar 2010|09:35am]
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[24 Mar 2010|03:59pm]
[info]richardlovett James McAvoy, Rupert Friend, Jamie Dornan, Dominic Cooper, Sally Hawkins, Eric Bana, Jude Law, Damian Lewis, Matthew Macfadyen, Rebecca Hall, Eva Mendes, Hayley Atwell, Joseph Fiennes, Ralph Fiennes, Adrien Brody, Michael Pitt, Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Billie Piper, Colin Farrell, Natalie Portman.
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[24 Mar 2010|04:19pm]
Would love an Orlando Bloom to come back for a specific line! (Details can be PMed if interested)
Also check out the wanted list here for more wanted faces.
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[[info]quarantine_ops] [24 Mar 2010|04:31pm]

Corporal Teague wants YOU for [info]the_quarantined! Sign up, today!
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[24 Mar 2010|05:48pm]

WANTED: Luigi, Princess Peach, Merlin, Dana Barrett, Iris Allen, Tony Stark, Bart Allen, Hal Jordan, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Trapper John, Charolette Charles, Clark Kent, Eric Cartmen, Lisa Cuddy, Eros, Poseidon, Harmonia, Eris, Fiyero, Boq, Nessa Rose, and more!

click for video )
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[24 Mar 2010|06:26pm]
Taylor Momsen, Jessica Szohr, Ben McKenzie, and Penn Badgley wanted for lines!
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[24 Mar 2010|07:17pm]
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[24 Mar 2010|07:42pm]
Some more guys would be great!

[24 Mar 2010|09:13pm]
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[24 Mar 2010|09:40pm]
[info]edit lily loveless, jack o'connell, luke pasqualino, lisa blackwell, ollie barbieri
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[24 Mar 2010|09:42pm]
<lj user="Colby-springs”> via <lj user=”Colbyspringsmod”> Original RPG set behind the scenes at a TV show filmed in Vancouver , Canada So Some faux celeb also &hearts; Active and friendly community &hearts; Thread friendly &hearts; NO AIM REQUIREMENT &hearts; Tons of Pb’s available We need…you! All of you! Check us out !
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[24 Mar 2010|09:48pm]
[info]colby_springs via [info]colbyspringsmod
Original RPG set behind the scenes at a TV show filmed in Vancouver , Canada So Some faux celeb also
♥ Active and friendly community
♥ Thread friendly
♥ Tons of Pb’s available
We need…you! All of you! Check us out !
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[24 Mar 2010|11:04pm]
I would love a brother for this girl at [info]thedarkcity_mod . We're a very active and friendly group!

Rain and her family came to Chicago from Russia when Rain and her brother were children. The two of them have no had contact for a while. There's some more info in her bio and a suggestion for the character here! Or you can do something completely different.

Other characters are wanted as well! Check us out!
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[24 Mar 2010|11:16pm]


The pirate leered evilly at the hapless hero in the cell, who groaned in response. The hero looked desperately around for anyone who might be of help. He was alone. The pirate grinned, and pulled out a dagger. The hero looked around for cover. There is none, so he backed up against the wall, praying that the pirate didn't have the key. The pirate didn't, but unfortunately he also had an excellent arm. Excruciating pain overwhelmed all of the hero's senses, as he sunk to the ground, the dagger embedded in his chest. Next time, he'd have to remember not to insult the man's mom. It was obviously a terrible tactical strategy. His last thought was about how very much he wished the internet had been invented here so that he could look up things like “diplomacy” or “gypsy curses.” He was desperately trying to recall something from his psychology class when his heart finally stopped, and everything went black.

Sunlight streamed through the stable window, and the hero blinked a bit before sitting up to find a man with a pitchfork staring at him. “Did the wizard send ya?” the man asks accusingly. The hero buries his face in his hand. Oh no....Not again.....

Destiny of Doom is an experimental Original Character Fantasy/Folklore Adventure Roleplaying Game About A Game based loosely upon Heir Apparent. Absolutely no knowledge of the book is necessary.


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