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Roleplay ads!

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[20 Nov 2008|12:13am]
[info]richardlovett. Icelanders.
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[20 Nov 2008|12:19am]
home? a ben jaffe to come with would be outta this universe.
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[20 Nov 2008|01:44am]
[info]dependence New Comm with a twist! Based in NYC!
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[20 Nov 2008|03:43am]
Kellan Lutz, [info]notables needs you like yesterday.
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[20 Nov 2008|05:45am]
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[20 Nov 2008|08:21am]
[info]tourdate Ryland, Alex, Nate, Jon, and any other FBR people
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[20 Nov 2008|09:22am]
[info]fireandwater I wish it wasn't so cold
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Back from hiatus! [20 Nov 2008|10:17am]
About / Rules / Cast List / Held / Wanted / FAQ / Resources / Apply

What happens to the old gods, once their temples have crumbled and their believers have abandoned them? Do they die, forsaken, alone? Or do they remain, still wandering the world, immortal, surviving off what little belief they can gather?

Forgotten Gods follows the lives of these old deities, brought to America long ago by explorers or immigrants from their homelands and eventually abandoned or lost from memory. As their worshippers moved on to new religions, the gods' powers waned - for a god, at its most pure essence, is no more than an idea, and an idea is worthless if there is nobody to believe in it. Some have passed, forgotten, from the world, while others have fallen into madness. Some have simply tried to adapt, to make a life for themselves in this place without gods, getting by on what little scraps of worship and belief they can garner. Others are more radical, attempting to regain the power that was once theirs, to revive their followings.

And then there are the New Gods. Gods of cars and computers, television and radio, cities and highways, all those things that modern Americans put their faith in. They are young, at the height of their power. These newcomers are regarded dismissively by some of the older gods, who have seen so many new deities rise and fall in their time; jealously by others, who wish to reclaim the power for their own; and by all with a deep wariness.

Inspired by the world of Neil Gaiman's American Gods, this game invites players to step into the roles of deities, old and new, to create their own modern mythology.

Now Open.

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[20 Nov 2008|10:52am]
"Interaction vs Omniscience"

Neutral Ground is a role-playing safe haven for those of us who remembered that like ourselves, no one will know our characters from just looking at us. There are no bios required. There aren't even first posts required. You play your character as you see fit, you use your characters blog as you see fit. You play any storyline you want to play or you use your journal and this game as a basis for inspiration for your fan fictions. It doesn't matter. Here at NeutralGround, we value interaction as opposed to omniscience meaning, we want your characters to get to know one another as you get to know them...we don't require you to know everything. So give it a shot! And best of all, it's the easiest application process ever.

Genres allowed: Fandom, AU, PB, Fantasy, Original.
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[20 Nov 2008|12:46pm]
[info]moxymod More people from Twilight, Pushing Daisies, Heroes, Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Harry Potter.
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[20 Nov 2008|01:08pm]
[info]combo Kristen Stewert, Robert Pattinson, Nikki Reed, Jackson Rathbone, Kellan Lutz, Peter Facinelli, Cam Gigandet, Taylor Lautner
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[20 Nov 2008|02:07pm]
The knowledge of Supernaturals has been around for nearly a decade. They have existed peacefully within society for probably much longer.

Somewhere, somehow...things changed.

First it started with registration. All Weres and Vampires needed to be accounted for. But that wasnt enough. Now they are being moved to Reserves located all around the country. Cities turned to prisons without physical borders.

There is no choice. You adapt, or you die.

Welcome to Birch Creek, Alaska. Home to weres and vampires who had no choice but to come, witches who chose to come, and humans who followed loved ones or decided not to leave their town. Now they're all just trying to make the best of it.

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[20 Nov 2008|02:15pm]
Home for Tom from Tokio Hotel?
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The. Fruitful. Project. [20 Nov 2008|02:43pm]
The . Fruitful . Project

Original Character. Future. Arranged Marriage. 17+.

In the year 2010 the world was plagued by horrendous storms and a rapidly rising temperature. Global Warming had finally began to rear its ugly head. As the years passed and the storms grew worse, destroying entire cities and killing thousands, the Governments of the world were forced into action.
They designed a chemical, a gas that they launched into the atmosphere that somehow cleared it enough to not only bring the temperatures down but to also calm the storms. The world rejoiced but what they did not know was that the gas had a devastating effect on humanity. By 2028 it was discovered that the effect of the gas was widespread infertility and sterilization.

Now, in the year 2048 there has been an amazing breakthrough. Through the combined efforts of some of the most brilliant minds from all across the globe, a serum was invented, a cure. The 'Fruitful' serum. The first child in nearly two decades has been brought into the world, bringing with him a new hope for the future.

In an effort to begin rebuilding the population, a new law has been put into place, a marriage law called the 'Fruitful Project'. Who will be your match?

Begins November 30th
(Date subject to change)

The role play is set in a fictional town by the name of Innovo, California. It is the year 2048.

rules » application » played bys & holds » faqs

full plot » the world in 2048 » innovo,california

the fruitful project » fruitful ooc
profile layout »

"Be fruitful and multiply..."

For the betterment of our world.
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[20 Nov 2008|03:36pm]
[info]vegasmod Now talking holds and applications!
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[20 Nov 2008|04:03pm]
[info]cityofhills via [info]sanfranmod
Application | Guidelines | Taken, Held & Pending

Our next adds are tomorrow night! Get those applications in!
(Adds are done Tuesdays & Fridays)

City Of Hills is an aim and thread friendly PB/city based community set in San Francisco, California.

Writers of this community are promised to have control over their story lines. As long as things are kept realistic, the mod(s) will not worry about how much of whatever is going around; especially considering this is a city wide based game. If things get out of hand, the game will address the issue(s) as a whole then. Members of this community have a voice with us and their opinions and suggestions are always validated and taken into high consideration. We also will provide a lot of interactive opportunities for characters. All play by (PB) types welcome.
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[20 Nov 2008|04:39pm]
Home please?
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[20 Nov 2008|05:47pm]
home options while i get set up?
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[20 Nov 2008|05:48pm]
[info]corbis BEN JAFFE and the guys from Lifehouse, please!
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[20 Nov 2008|05:55pm]
Does anyone play Chris Martin? Does anyone play Gwyneth Paltrow? Does anyone want to house Guy Berryman?
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[20 Nov 2008|07:19pm]

The Ministry was invincible. It would always exist, and it would always be the same.

mwpp since 2005
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[20 Nov 2008|07:44pm]
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[20 Nov 2008|08:00pm]
I lost my other post so I'm trying this again - home?
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[20 Nov 2008|08:27pm]
[info]perform more of the Heroes cast!
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Go now, now, now!! [20 Nov 2008|08:33pm]
[info]combo Now accepting holds and applications. 7 more apps are needed and adds can be done!!

Wanted: The Twilight Cast (minus Kristen Stewart and Ashley Greene), Chad Allen, Queer as Folk cast (minus Robert Gant), Shannen Doherty, Helene Udy, Harry Potter cast, Gossip Girl cast, cast of 90210, Cast of HSM, The Duffs, The Hiltons, The Madden twins, Katie Cassidy, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, David Henry, Emily Jo Osment, Mitchell Musso and the Jonas Brothers just to name a few. Stop by and place your hold before someone else snatches it up!
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[20 Nov 2008|09:30pm] input please :-(
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[20 Nov 2008|10:15pm]
[info]corbis. Eva Green, Jeffrey Wright, Mathieu Amalric, Mads Mikkelsen, Caterina Murino, Nicole Kidman, Liev Schreiber, Jamie Bell, Alexa Davalos, and Pierce Brosnan.
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[20 Nov 2008|10:30pm]
[info]richardlovett Samantha Ronson, Tennessee Thomas, Charlotte Froom, Peaches Geldof, Cory Kennedy, Agyness Deyn, Kelly Osbourne, Paris Hilton, Leona Lewis and Pete Doherty.
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[20 Nov 2008|11:07pm]
Rupert Grint to [info]moxymod
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[20 Nov 2008|11:37pm]
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[20 Nov 2008|11:41pm]
[info]copycatt - the rest of the New Kids on the Block (Danny Wood, Joe McIntyre, Jonathan Knight, Jordan Knight), Mark Wahlberg, Debbie Gibson, Lance Bass, Madonna, Paula Abdul, Kelly Clarkson, David Gray, John Mayer, Cyndi Lauper, James Kyson Lee, George Stults, Kimberley Locke, the Dixie Chicks, Joss Stone, and the girls from Girls Aloud. We are active and friendly!
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[info]pennybags/[info]parkerbros [20 Nov 2008|11:49pm]
Paul Walker, Dane Cook, Brittany Murphy, Rosario Dawson, Channing Tatum, Ryan Phillipe, Reese Witherspoon, Jake Gyllenhaal, Mike Myers, Ioan Gruffudd, Michael Chiklis, Hayden Christensen, Bruce Willis, Ryan Reynolds, Dakota Fanning, Clive Owen, Jaime King, Antonio Banderas, Jason Statham, Kelli Gardner, Mekhi Phifer, Adam Brody, Winona Ryder, Michael Weatherly, Drew Barrymore, Michael Vartan, Molly Shannon, Parker Posey, Elizabeth Banks, Julian McMahon, Alexis Bledel, Blake Lively
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