Moxy Star [entries|friends|calendar]
Moxy Star

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I'm back! Run! Run for your lives! [10 Jun 2009|08:47am]

[ mood | more coffee now please ]
[ music | Ringo chewing my shoe. More obedience training is required, I believe, haha. ]

Hi, I'm Sara. My fiance has a bad habit of not refilling the toilet paper when he uses the last of it and it drives me fucking crazy, (it can also be potentially embarrassing - don't say a word, Cash). What's a habit someone has that you live with/have lived with that annoys the hell out of you?

40 }-{post

Who's going to come take care of this creepy crawly situation? [08 Apr 2009|10:27am]
Declare a state of emergency... )
61 }-{post

[31 Mar 2009|05:58pm]

In my life, I’ve been a cross dresser, tried and failed to kill Harry Potter, loved my way across Europe courtesy of Casanova and travelled to the end of the known world in a 1950s police phone box.
Hello there, I’m David.
26 }-{post

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