Roleplay ads!'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Roleplay ads!

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[14 Nov 2008|12:13am]
[info]distributors milo ventimitlia, kristen bell, masi oka, jack coleman, ali larter, adrian pasdar, zachary quinto, kevin spacey, rihanna, greg grunberg, shia labeouf, natalie maines, justin timberlake.
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[14 Nov 2008|01:47am]
[info]celeb - Louis XIV (tourmates ahoy!), Coldplay, Franz Ferdinand, Kings of Leon, Kanye West, Keane, the rest of the Killers (Ronnie and Mark, I'm looking at you), and other K musicians. We're also not opposed to legends, folks. Bowie? McCartney? Are you out there? Also, Helena Bonham Carter and Jack Osbourne, please and thank you.
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[14 Nov 2008|03:38am]
[info]perform When I wake up, I should see Rachelle Lefevre, Kellan Lutz, Taylor Lautner, Emile Hirsch, Corbin Bleu, Dustin Milligan, Michael Cera, Kat Dennings, Adam Levine, and the entire casts of Gossip Girl (minus Leighton) and 90210.
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[14 Nov 2008|06:16am]
Jared Leto get your butt over to [info]perform ASAP! Oh yeah, and anyone else who wants to have fun.
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[14 Nov 2008|06:54am]
Seeking a good and active home for my Jared Leto.
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[14 Nov 2008|07:04am]
[info]fireandwater Fun and friendly game looking for lots of good players!
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[14 Nov 2008|08:56am]
[info]perform Guillaume Canet, Johnny Depp, Melanie Laurent, Louis Garrel, Gaspard Ulliel, Clemence Poesy, Audrey Tautou, Nicole Kidman, Daniel Day-Lewis, Penelope Cruz, Russell Crowe, anyone!
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[14 Nov 2008|09:23am]
Does anybody out there play a decent Dominic Monaghan? I'm kind of looking for one who would be interested in community role. I would be playing Elijah Wood, and I am not guaranteeing a relationship or a storyline, but I've always been a subscriber to the Lord of the Rings cast sexual tension, so it is a possibility if there is chemistry. I'm not new to the community so it's not something I am going to be picking up and losing interest in after three weeks. Comment if you are interested!
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[14 Nov 2008|09:47am]
Home please.
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[14 Nov 2008|10:07am]
[info]greatwhiteway One more redhead to complete the Ellissons! Also, the Donkey in Shrek would be fabulous, and if it's Elijah Kelly, he would come in with other storylines too!
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[14 Nov 2008|10:23am]
[info]richardlovett Mikey Shoes and Josh Homme.
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[14 Nov 2008|10:32am]
[info]perform I'm too lazy to list people. But this place is awesome.
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[14 Nov 2008|11:23am]
Home, please!
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Since I can't make up my mind [14 Nov 2008|11:26am]
A home for her and someone to tag along?
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[14 Nov 2008|12:37pm]
Come join us!
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[14 Nov 2008|12:38pm]
[info]truemod A Comm based around the HBO show True Blood. A lot of main characters still needed. Original Characters accepted.
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[14 Nov 2008|12:51pm]

FAQ | Taken/Holds | Rules | Application | Premise
IC Comm | OOC Comm



In need of FEMALES and DOCTORS


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[14 Nov 2008|01:07pm]
[info]perform -- KELLAN LUTZ you are needed to complete our Twilight Cast! Gossip Girl cast (minus Leighton), 90210 cast, KAT DENNINGS, Monique Coleman, Kellie Pickler, Taylor Swift, the Jonas Brothers, and Adam Levine.

Adds are tonight!
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[14 Nov 2008|01:15pm]
[info]strikeapose! Located primarily in Los Angeles, this community incorporates musicians, actors, directors, writers, models, and even the lowly management. we need more agents, too. below are some of our wanted roles, though by all means, feel free to come up with a different character; we are friendly and everyone is given a warm welcome, as well as storyline offers. adds done every few days!

who we want, and why we want 'em. )
And of course, many other played-bys are open, and storylines are pretty mucha given with how friendly we are. for more information on the majority of these lines, check here And don't forget to check here to see what PBs have been taken, and what credits have been used. See ya in the city of angels! [info]strikeapose!
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[14 Nov 2008|02:02pm]


Ever Wonder What The Lives Of The Chosen Ones Are Really Like?

Welcome To New York's Upper East Side, Where we live and go to school and play and sleep - sometimes with each other. We all live in huge apartments with our own bedrooms and bathrooms and phone lines. We have unlimited access to money and booze and whatever else we want, and our parents are rarely home, so we have tons of privacy. We're smart, we've inherited classic good looks, we wear fantastic clothes, and we know how to party. Our shit still stinks, but you can't smell it because the bathroom is sprayed hourly by the maid with a refreshing scent made exclusively for us by French perfumers.

It's a luxe life, but someone's got to live it.

Become One Of Us: [info]luxelife_mod

[14 Nov 2008|02:03pm]
[info]lucasfilm Friendly & active. We've been going strong for 6 months!

I'd like to see some more costars:
Ewan McGregor, Ian Somerhalder, Jenna Malone, Jessica Alba, Sienna Miller, and Paul Walker!
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Devil's Tower [14 Nov 2008|02:11pm]

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[14 Nov 2008|02:18pm]
Apparently my comm died, so post-hsm3 Troy/Gabby psl set during their 10 year reunion, por favor?

IM or PM me for details. Withgoodbye - aim.
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[14 Nov 2008|02:47pm]
[info]richardlovett: Jonny Greenwood, Colin Greenwood, Ed O'Brien, & Phil Selway ; Michael Stipe, Björk, Beck, PJ Harvey, Kings of Leon (except Jared and Caleb), Sia, Natasha Khan, M.I.A., Sigur Rós (except Jónsi), Jack White, MGMT
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[14 Nov 2008|02:57pm]
[info]sphere | [info]mankind | [info]attachments | NEXT ADD: 11/16/08
54 Taken, 8 Held. Get your character in now, you won't regret it.
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[14 Nov 2008|03:15pm]
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[14 Nov 2008|03:18pm]
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[14 Nov 2008|04:59pm]
[info]richardlovett Marisa Tomei, please.
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[14 Nov 2008|05:38pm]
[info]cityofhills via [info]sanfranmod
Application | Guidelines | Taken, Held & Pending

Our next adds are tonight! Get those applications in!
(Adds are done Tuesdays & Fridays)

City Of Hills is an aim and thread friendly PB/city based community set in San Francisco, California.

Writers of this community are promised to have control over their story lines. As long as things are kept realistic, the mod(s) will not worry about how much of whatever is going around; especially considering this is a city wide based game. If things get out of hand, the game will address the issue(s) as a whole then. Members of this community have a voice with us and their opinions and suggestions are always validated and taken into high consideration. We also will provide a lot of interactive opportunities for characters. All play by (PB) types welcome.
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We need a complete set. [14 Nov 2008|05:39pm]
[info]perform. Now.
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[14 Nov 2008|07:24pm]
Taye Diggs, preferably to [info]creativeartists or [info]representation! I'm not above bribing with icons. Any takers? Pretty please?
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[14 Nov 2008|09:14pm]
[info]celeb Anyone not taken is welcome to apply!
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[14 Nov 2008|10:21pm]
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[14 Nov 2008|11:23pm]


A 2008 Harry Potter Role Play Game

The Second Wizarding War is over. The Order of the Phoenix won, and the United Kingdom is finally at peace – or at least it was.

Then came the announcement of Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt’s retirement, and all political hell broke loose.

With peace finally upon the Wizarding World, the question on everyone’s mind is who will be elected to take his place. Most assume it will be the Boy Who Lived, but when Harry Potter refuses to become a candidate, that leaves the field wide open.

Multiple candidates are chosen, one from each Ministry Department. Each promise peace and prosperity, but most have their own agenda.

Worse, as the election heats up, a war between Departments is stirring as each fights for dominance. It’s Auror against Unspeakable, International Magical Cooperation against Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, even the Department of Regulation of Magical Creatures against the Department of Transportation. At first it’s regarded as friendly rivalry, but when candidates start to turn up dead, it turns into an all-out war.

Who will survive the election – and more importantly, who will win?

And after it’s all over…then what?

Rules | Plot | Available | Taken | Application
Candidates and Politics | PBs | Contact List

Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Hannah Abbott, Lavender Brown, Penelope Clearwater, Percy Weasley, Seamus Finnigan, Sirius Black
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Dumont3 - An Original Roleplaying Game [14 Nov 2008|11:58pm]
DUMONT, CA. A picturesque city set north of the Los Angeles metropolis. With a growing population of 150,000, Dumont is fast becoming a place of prospects and opportunities, as well as one of internal strife.

Though those outside of its borders claim the city is like any other, the denizens within have an altogether different story, one involving dynamics rarely seen in the rest of the United States. Three groups of varying backgrounds and prestige dictate the social, economic, and political structure of Dumont: Adler by the bay, L'Inconnue de la Seine in the forests, and Riesling Industries in between. An oligarchy government, rumors say, one so powerful even the police have lost their hold, the mayor seat eventually existing for puppets and yeasayers.

In 2020, however, the dynamic is quickly shifting toward an imbalance, with two visibly at odds while the third has plans of their own. The police even have a new chief, who seems unusually dedicated to upsetting the status quo. Opportunity and opposition exist on all sides; it would take nothing short of a miracle to stop the inevitable paradigm shift.

Who, then, will seize this chance to overtake the city? Who will fall behind in their race to the top?

Side Note: This is actually a Livejournal RP, but seeing as many people I know have both IJ and LJ, I figured there may be people interested here.
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