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[05 Oct 2008|12:04am]

An original, brand new vampire RPG on IJ!

It's only natural that the next best thing that comes along, takes the reins over the top species on the food chain. And silently, for thousands of years, these beings did. By the year 2000, Vampires just happened to be on the top. They outnumbered humans ten to two, and that ratio was quickly diminishing. By early 2005, the drastic decline in humans caught world wide attention. The greed of hungry vampires had depleted their numbers to a mere 300,000, compared to their last years population consensus of six billion. It was time for drastic changes, and humans were quickly not allowed to be enslaved by vampires -- all of which were sent into large factory-like cattle farms, where they were hooked up onto tubes permanently. All of which had to abide to these rules, except for the vampires of pure lineage, whom were the exception of the law. Quickly, the prices for a pint of blood skyrocketted, much like a correlation to modern day's gas prices. Twenty dollars for one pint wasn't even a full meal for the average vampire, and as expected, a revolt insued.

In September of 2006, hordes of hungry tainted vampires had managed to track down the single most largest compound supplyer of blood, and broke into it. Immediately these vampires struck with fatigue and extreme hunger went on a full blown massacre, consuming well over the natural federal rates one can extract from a human at a time, killing nearly 3/4ths of the farm's stock. Within about thirty minutes or so, the government was called in, destroying 650 tainted vampires that afternoon. That day has gone down in history known as Noir Marde, or, Black Tuesday.

As could have been expected, blood supplies were heavily on demand, and at a rate of 40 dollars a pint, many vampires couldn't afford large quantities, and many brawls were the outcome. Deemed the most violent, crime ridden time of America, the government had to take action. As many other countries were doing, they soon followed. Employed, good vampires were given seven pints of blood with their tax return, enough time for Operation EXTRACT to be born. (READ MORE?)

seeking all sorts of characters (humans and vampires) for a fun, active game.
place a hold today! :) game starts with fifteen applications!
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[05 Oct 2008|01:07am]
[info]tourdate: Angels & Airwaves (we still need Atom Willard to complete the band), +44, Green Day, Jimmy Eat World, My Chemical Romance (minus Frank Iero), Eisley, Conor Oberst, The Killers (minus Brandon Flowers), Marilyn Manson, The Academy Is... (minus William Beckett), Cobra Starship (minus Gabe Saporta).
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[05 Oct 2008|01:07am]
Jim Sturgess, Ginnifer Goodwin, Michelle Rodriguez, Topher Grace, Josh Duhamel, Jason Schwartzman, Lindsay Lohan, [info]richardlovett
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[05 Oct 2008|01:39am]
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[05 Oct 2008|03:03am]
[ mood | tired ]

[info]conceitedfame. One person more and we can officially get running.

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[05 Oct 2008|03:16am]

sometimes we get second chances,
and sometimes we never make it past the first.

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I know it's late (or early) but I'll try anyway. [05 Oct 2008|03:17am]
Home for Seth Green?
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[05 Oct 2008|04:17am]
[info]mythos Someone to play his flamboyant and eccentric modeling agent. If you're not familiar with mythology, you can always join as a regular human.

He's a "friend of a friend" of his mother, who is a fashion designer.
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[05 Oct 2008|04:30am]
[info]muse_mod Come play, we have cake.
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[05 Oct 2008|08:13am]
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[05 Oct 2008|08:25am]
Ewan McGrgeor, Kuno Becker, Samantha Morton, Chi McBride, Alessandro Nivola, Rob Lowe, Alexis Bledel, Gwyneth Paltrow, Keanu Reeves, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Kate Winslet [info]richardlovett
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[05 Oct 2008|09:24am]

Adds are done

every night

around 8pm-ish EST!!


If you need a 48 extension on your hold please contact the mod.


Discuss storylines @ [info]plottings

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[05 Oct 2008|10:44am]
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[05 Oct 2008|11:31am]
[info]greatwhiteway Adds are tonight!
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[05 Oct 2008|12:08pm]
[info]tourdate: Angels & Airwaves (we still need Atom Willard to complete the band), +44, Green Day, Jimmy Eat World, My Chemical Romance (minus Frank Iero), Eisley, Conor Oberst, The Killers (minus Brandon Flowers), Marilyn Manson, The Academy Is... (minus William Beckett), Cobra Starship (minus Gabe Saporta).
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[05 Oct 2008|12:12pm]
[info]thefucksicks Alright, looking from the hold list this game looks like its going to be something beyond real. Get excited.

Does anyone PB Diane Keaton? or Diane Lane? or ROSIE O'DONNELL (holy shit how kick ass would THAT be), or Craig Ferguson? If you're willing, I'm willing to make icons. Just saying.
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[05 Oct 2008|12:22pm]
town/city/state based pb comm without premades for a jake gyllenaal pb? one for a frank iero pb as well?
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[05 Oct 2008|01:06pm]
Game Premise
Game Links
Supernatural creatures have always hidden in the shadows to avoid detection from the far more numerous humans. Most of the creatures have moved around to avoid detection and, thus, haven't been able to live anything resembling a normal life. An individual in the the small town of Arton Bay, Oregon noticed this fact.

Arton Bay was the home to The Club, a spacious 3-story building that had essentially gone to waste. The Club had closed in 1960, but in 1971 a wealthy individual purchased it and reopened with the supernatural in mind. Since then, The Club has been an unspoken haven for any supernatural creatures wanting a retreat from the questioning of the outside world. Still going strong in 2008, The Club allows and caters to any creature willing not to maim others on club property. Arton Bay, as a whole, also seems to be going strong despite the influx of supernatural creatures. Aside from the occasional question what an "Extra" Bloody Mary is, the locals ignore the quirks of The Club and passing tourists don't seem to suspect a thing.

Taken & Available

Rules & FAQ

Locale Breakdown


Wanted Storylines

Mod Contact Post / The Dropbox

[info]the_club via [info]the_owner is now looking to cast a strong central group of players for a fun and only somewhat insane supernatural game.
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[05 Oct 2008|01:36pm]
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[05 Oct 2008|01:57pm]
[info]fred62 ACTORS! We want YOU! Also, these names in particular: Orlando Bloom, Liv Tyler, Jared Padalecki, James Marsters, Gareth David-Lloyd, David Tennant and other Torchwood, Dr. Who and Supernatural cast. Also wanted for SLs: Alex Greenwald, Bob Morris, Oli Sykes, more FBR kids, the rest of MCR, and other band people. Check us out!
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[05 Oct 2008|02:40pm]
[info]originate costars and friends so I can live.
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[05 Oct 2008|02:57pm]


The knowledge of Supernaturals has been around for nearly a decade. They have existed peacefully within society for probably much longer.

Somewhere, somehow...things changed.

First it started with registration. All Weres and Vampires needed to be accounted for. But that wasnt enough. Now they are being moved to Reserves located all around the country. Cities turned to prisons without physical borders.

There is no choice. You adapt, or you die.

Welcome to Birch Creek, Alaska. Home to weres and vampires who had no choice but to come, witches who chose to come, and humans who followed loved ones or decided not to leave their town. Now they're all just trying to make the best of it.
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[05 Oct 2008|03:06pm]
Jim Sturgess, T.V. Carpio, Dana Fuchs, Henry Cavill, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Mickey Rourke, Marisa Tomei, Marilyn Manson, Jamie Bell, Elisabeth Harnois, Edward Norton, Brady Corbet to [info]richardlovett, please.
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[05 Oct 2008|03:17pm]
[info]representation via [info]originate

taken. | wanted.

I would seriously give any kind of favor for someone to play Tracie Thoms or Wilmer Valderrama there. My girl wants her bffs.
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[05 Oct 2008|03:31pm]
[info]dpacademy // [info]dp_dean

come join the fun!
Some great players looking for some more people to join in.
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[05 Oct 2008|03:37pm]
Closed community/Group PSL looking for a few interested writers to play with us in this celeb storyline revolving around a group of "friends" who have become a sort of comfort and support group to each other.
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[05 Oct 2008|03:39pm]
[info]sphere | [info]mankind | [info]attachments | NEXT ADD: 10/06/08
47 Taken, 10 Held. Get your character in now, you won't regret it.
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[05 Oct 2008|03:51pm]
David Bowie, please report to [info]celeb so Jamie Dornan and I may oogle your goodies.
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[05 Oct 2008|04:00pm]
JULIAN BARRATT! → [info]richardlovett
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[05 Oct 2008|04:26pm]
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[05 Oct 2008|04:27pm]
[info]richardlovett The obvious.
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[05 Oct 2008|04:27pm]
If anyone is interested in co-moding a model centric rp, leave a comment or friend this journal, please. I could use another person or two to work with.
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[05 Oct 2008|04:38pm]
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[05 Oct 2008|04:54pm]
[info]starwalks Some friends and maybe a love interest.
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[05 Oct 2008|05:02pm]
[info]tourdate: Angels & Airwaves (we still need Atom Willard to complete the band), +44, Green Day, Jimmy Eat World, My Chemical Romance (minus Frank Iero), Eisley, Conor Oberst, The Killers (minus Brandon Flowers), Marilyn Manson, The Academy Is... (minus William Beckett), Cobra Starship (minus Gabe Saporta).
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[05 Oct 2008|05:08pm]
Home for this girl!
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[05 Oct 2008|05:21pm]
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[05 Oct 2008|05:34pm]
[info]greatwhiteway Adds are tonight!
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[05 Oct 2008|06:00pm]
Want a fun, accepting place to play your HS character where you actually get to create your character? Come to [info]dpacademy! It's newly opened, we have a ton of PBs available, and there's no waiting to be added! The mod journal is [info]dp_dean and don't let the underscore fool you, it's much cooler than it looks! ;)

There's a storyline comm over at [info]dplines too, and I'd love to work out storylines with anyone who's interested! (AIM name: maya tells it)

Hope to see you there!
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New Dublin [05 Oct 2008|06:19pm]
New Dublin

New Dublin is a harbor city that has been plagued by gang war for much of the past ten years. Five main groups rose up, each started for different reasons and each have evolved from a few people into much larger entities which control much of the cities nightlife.

Many groups grow fast and die out equally as fast, but the smart ones stick around longer. Each gang has different reasons for being; some for profit, some for security, while others act as guardians for their territory there are some who act as thieves. The tensions between the gangs are harsh and one member caught in another’s territory is met with severe punishment.

There are smaller gangs but the main Five control the greater area of the city. These five came together three years back and created something of a treaty. They all agreed that the wars had come to the loss of to many lives and thus some sort of peace was needed.

In a city where an unsteady treaty is the only thing that binds the gangs in peace, who do you pledge loyalty to? Or are you one of the brave who stands the middle line? Where tech is big, crime is high and brotherhood is more important than blood, where do you call home in New Dublin? 
Will Start when there's 3 players or 10 characters!
*New Feature* New Dublin Internet. Player will have the chance to create blogs for their characters on a private server (like an LJ or IJ) that they can post in and talk to other characters with.
~ New Dublin ~ Rules ~ Reserve a PB ~ Application ~ Wanted in Game ~
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-------> [info]gaslampmod <------- [05 Oct 2008|06:32pm]

[info]gaslampmod It's a faux-celeb/town-based game set in San Diego, CA. Your character doesn't have to be faux-celeb, we have plenty of happy average joe's as well.

Feel free to post in [info]bitterend for all your SL needs.

Wanted For Storylines )
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[05 Oct 2008|06:39pm]
[info]richardlovett Samantha Ronson, Lindsay Lohan, Tennessee Thomas & Cory Kennedy.
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[05 Oct 2008|06:46pm]
[info]dpacademy // [info]dp_dean

Looking for a girl to play this boy's ex. They would still be good friends and she would keep his ego in check.
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[05 Oct 2008|07:32pm]
[info]tourdate: get those apps in! adds are tonight @ 10pm eastern.
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[05 Oct 2008|07:49pm]
A random group, but I'd love to see the following at [info]celeb: Ben Affleck, Zach Braff, Ryan Donowho, Topher Grace, Alex Greenwald, Willa Holland, Danny Masterson, Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, Sarah Silverman, Amber Tamblyn, Olivia Wilde
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[05 Oct 2008|08:11pm]

Adds are done

every night

around 8-ish EST!!


If you need a 48 extension on your hold please contact the mod.


Discuss storylines @ [info]plottings

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[05 Oct 2008|08:38pm]
[info]tourdate -- adds are tonight, anyone is welcome.
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[05 Oct 2008|09:04pm]

information & community

Charles Xavier was a talented man. At sixteen he entered college, achieving a degree in biology in 2 years and then further ones in biophysics and genetics. He was also a telepath of formidable skill and one of the world's foremost experts on the strain of mutantancy in humans, also known as the metagene. But most importantly, Xavier was a man of vision. One who thought of the future. And so he approached millionaire Oliver Queen - after letting slip that his telepathy made him privy to his secret life as the Green Arrow - with a proposal.

A school, built specifically to teach the next generations of saviors and champions, kept a secret under the guise of an elite prep academy. Each student carefully selected and recruited. There the students would learn how to handle their emerging powers and skills and how to use them to help humanity, all while getting a world class education in a safe environment taught by people who understood how important this school was. Oliver quickly saw the merit in this idea and together they began to build what would become Paragon Academy.

That was 10 years ago. The school growing from a dream into a reality, with its former students rising to greatness, some even taking on the task of teaching the next batch of students. And a new first semester is just about to start, complete with new recruits, new classes and new problems.

Have a good year.

Opening With 15 Accepted Characters
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[05 Oct 2008|09:20pm]
[info]greatwhiteway Saturday Night Live PBs. Why? Because they make me laugh.
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[05 Oct 2008|09:22pm]
[info]tourdate: get those apps in! adds are tonight @ 10pm eastern.
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[05 Oct 2008|09:27pm]
[info]representation via [info]originate

taken. | wanted.

I would seriously give any kind of favor for someone to play Tracie Thoms or Wilmer Valderrama there. My girl wants her bffs.
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One more time before I make a choice. [05 Oct 2008|10:15pm]
Home for Seth?
5 comments|post comment

[05 Oct 2008|10:22pm]
If I could get a decent Mikey Way to [info]fred62 I would be eternally greatful. I will even make you icons.
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[05 Oct 2008|10:25pm]
[info]mankind! I'm looking for a Daniel Radcliffe for Paris as the guy in her ballet class that she has a huge crush on. Also a Dominic Cooper as the boy in Madrid who likes her but who she is trying to avoid because he has a girlfriend. Both would have lines with at least two other people if they came.
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[05 Oct 2008|10:35pm]
[info]greatwhiteway for all of your theatrical needs.
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[05 Oct 2008|10:44pm]
[info]gatesmods It's pan-fandom meets a gated community, what could be better than that?
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[05 Oct 2008|10:54pm]
With the death of <lj user=newline? seeking a new home, might be coming with a David Tennant (friends only!) Who-verse and other British actors a plus of course.
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[05 Oct 2008|11:11pm]
home por favor? and possibly a cute boy to come with?
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[05 Oct 2008|11:33pm]
They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway.
They say there's always magic in the air.

Come join us at [info]greatwhiteway!
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[ viewing | October 5th, 2008 ]
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