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[11 Oct 2008|08:53pm]

I'm still working on this here kid but I definitely wouldn't mind plotting something.
He's distrustful of people and very much in his own world at most times as well as a bit of a weirdo in a way. You may catch him drawing your likeness in the hallways, most possibly nude as well.
He's new at school, uprooted from his old school when tempers ran a little too hot with the people who hate him there.

I probably should wait with jumping in here until I'm more awake and coherent but I'm too curious! Enemies, crushes, attempted friends (depends on who it is if he'll let them close...), hit me up with ideas!

PS: Yet another proof Tweak is omnipotent: Tweak says, "Taurus."
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[08 Oct 2008|05:32pm]
Sorry to be double-posting up here in this friends page of yours, but I just can't help it.

Anyway, hello! This is Kayla Johnson, a junior at DP and played by the unfairly gorgeous Leighton Meester. She's been here almost a year; she entered DP halfway through her sophomore year. She's one of those local "high-risk" kids who is also coincidentally boarding here, because 99% of her problems came from the fact that she was constantly unsupervised.

DP is sort of a "reality check" for her, since she was of the "misunderstood smart kids" who basically picked fights because she was bored, could, and wasn't learning anything in school. DP snatched her up, and she's doing a lot better now, though she's still kind of a stubborn bitch. If you want to go more in-depth (and I mean quite a bit more in-depth), her bio is here.

So yes. I'd love connections for her! She's on Mock Trial, Science Olympiad, the Debate Team, and manages the football team, so she'll have people to know there. Beyond that, I'm game for anything! I'll be online until South Park at least on frakking kayla if anyone wants to chat (oh, and comments are love, too).
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[07 Oct 2008|05:26pm]

Hello! I've got Lexxa Blair here, senior at the academy & boarder. I'm still working out details with her twin's player, but so far as I know she's gone to DP for a couple years if not since ninth grade.

Lexxa, in a nutshell, is typically kind of quiet and mousy, though she usually is more lively with her sister and friends around. She's in Debate club and really enjoys that. Oh and she's very clumsy. There's loads more in her bio, of course, but she definitely needs friends/enemies/crushes/etc! A line I've got in mind is for her to get a bit too obsessive about a boy, but other than that I'm lacking in the plotty department at present. D: And that one I'd like to see develop on its own, honestly. I'm open to all kinds of ideas!

I should be on her AIM tonight lexxa luthor.
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[28 Sep 2008|09:49pm]

So this is Maya Lewis, and she's a Vegas native and will be one of the "at-risk" local kids attending the school. She has a nearly 1-year-old son named Harlem, who was (needless to say) a huge accident. She's trying to make the best of a bad situation and will be a Junior at Desert Palms this year.

I need all kinds of storylines for this girl! She comes with a brother but I'll definitely need the father of her baby as well as all kinds of friends/enemies/etc! I'm sure a lot of people think she's loose but she's actually a very responsible girl, just had something happen along the way to alter her course a bit.

Looking forward to brainstorming with you all!
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[27 Sep 2008|11:22am]

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