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Roleplay ads!

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[23 Jan 2008|12:07am]
[info]warnerbrothers jeffrey dean morgan for a father line :/
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[23 Jan 2008|12:34am]
In the Blood ([info]intheblood_rpg) is an alternate universe role playing game based on Disney's Pirates of the Carribean. In this universe, Jack Sparrow and Will Turner are brothers. When their ship was raided during the crossing from England, the two brothers (and their sister) were separated. Will and his younger sister were found by the Swanns and taken to Port Royal while Jack (aka John Turner) was claimed by a crew of pirates.

Having no memory of his former life or of his family, Jack chose to stay with the Pirates...becoming the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow. But now the quest to reclaim his ship has taken him to Port Royal where a blacksmith's apprentice and a maid in the governor's house are sure to stir up some long forgotten memories.

The game will pick up essentially at the beginning of the first movie, with Jack's arrival in the Port Royal.

To apply for a character, go to [info]intheblood_mod.
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[23 Jan 2008|12:35am]
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[23 Jan 2008|01:18am]
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[23 Jan 2008|01:35am]

Wanted Characters | Taken Characters | Streets & Buildings | F.A.Q's | Application | Main Info

[info]euphorialane, is a post-Hogwarts, post-war canon up to Half Blood Prince game, set in the year 2003 and combining the magical world of Harry Potter, with social expectations and appointments. Unlike other games based on a no-war environment, Euphoria Lane provides mod designated events on a local, national, and international scale, so there will always be a plot to follow, alongside in-depth character development. We've also made it very easy for new players to catch up!

We are looking for motivated and creative role-players, who are willing to put effort into making the Harry Potter world as real as possible, through quality writing and original storylines. If you're a player looking to explore individual depths and development for a character you love, we invite you to join us with your wit, irony, and maybe a little flash of skin.

In return, we'll tickle your fancy with monthly organized game activities, writing challenges, and a space to create and develop the magical world of Harry Potter. This is a game focused on character development and writing, run by experienced moderators and completely drama free.

Join Euphoria Lane
Currently accepting applications


We are particularly in search for MALES, former Gryffindors/Slytherins, and Blood Purists/continuing Voldemort-sympathizers.

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[23 Jan 2008|01:38am]
TOM BRADY [info]producer
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[23 Jan 2008|01:52am]
Jason Segel and/or Jay Baruchel to [info]corbis, please. [info]apatowers will fellate you in gratitude.
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[23 Jan 2008|02:43am]
[info]creativeartists[info]richardlovett: Liv Tyler, Don Cheadle, Sam Rockwell, Mary Louise Parker, Ed Harris, Heather Graham, Nicole Kidman, Christina Ricci, Gaby Hoffman, Andy Garcia, Neve Campbell, and anyone not taken.
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[23 Jan 2008|05:32am]
[info]representation Dax Shepard, Rashida Jones, Seth Meyers, Tina Fey
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[23 Jan 2008|07:47am]
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[23 Jan 2008|07:50am]
TOM BRADY [info]producer
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[23 Jan 2008|08:49am]
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[23 Jan 2008|08:50am]
In the Blood ([info]intheblood_rpg) is an alternate universe role playing game based on Disney's Pirates of the Carribean. In this universe, Jack Sparrow and Will Turner are brothers. When their ship was raided during the crossing from England, the two brothers (and their sister) were separated. Will and his younger sister were found by the Swanns and taken to Port Royal while Jack (aka John Turner) was claimed by a crew of pirates.

Having no memory of his former life or of his family, Jack chose to stay with the Pirates...becoming the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow. But now the quest to reclaim his ship has taken him to Port Royal where a blacksmith's apprentice and a maid in the governor's house are sure to stir up some long forgotten memories.

The game will pick up essentially at the beginning of the first movie, with Jack's arrival in the Port Royal.

To apply for a character, go to [info]intheblood_mod.
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[23 Jan 2008|09:00am]
Anyone looking for a Dave Grohl
AU or Celeb.
No PB, I can't get into PB's
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[23 Jan 2008|09:48am]
Opening and adds have been pushed back till the 25th. We need more troubled kids, as well as a teacher or two or many.

Sometimes a kid just needs a place to start over and [info]meridianprepmod is a good place to do just that.
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[23 Jan 2008|09:50am]
does anyone play abbie cornish? [info]corbis
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[23 Jan 2008|10:02am]

City-based PB Community set in Chicago
Tons of PBs Open
Adds done nightly
Looking for loyal, active, dedicated writers
[info]thechicago | [info]macvarish
Rules | Taken/Held | Wanted | Apply
established August 2007
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[23 Jan 2008|10:10am]
[info]hey_youlooklike via [info]lookslikemods
A new, thread-based celeb RPG, opening January 26.

Unlike many celeb games, "Hey, You Look Like..." is centered on third-person narrative threading, while still supporting and encouraging more traditional celeb elements such as journalling and AIM and post-based chatting. We are currently accepting holds on characters, and will be opening on January 26. Hope to see some of you there!
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[23 Jan 2008|10:45am]
[info]typographic via [info]emdash

A creative, threading friendly celebrity community with adds nightly!

Who we'd like to see: The Daily Show cast (past and present), the cast of RENT, Ryan Phillippe, Reese Witherspoon, Amy Smart, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Drew Barrymore, Donald Faison, James Mcavoy, John Mayer, Matthew Fox, Seth McFarlen, Alex Borstein, Alyson Hannigan, Claire Danes, Mark Wahlberg, Joseph Fiennes, Ralph Fiennes, Kate Winslet, Scarlett Johansson, and many many more.
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[23 Jan 2008|11:22am]
Her older brother in the form of Steve Sandvoss or Wentworth Miller
would be fabulous. Also more sls please!
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[23 Jan 2008|11:26am]
Does anyone need a Pete Wentz?

I'll be active and true to character.

Needing a home, so find me one.

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[23 Jan 2008|11:27am]
home or psl?
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[23 Jan 2008|12:18pm]


New York City. Some come make it big, some live their lives without a care, and some are barely scraping by, but all of their lives intermingle in one way or another. Whether it's just passing each other on the street or sitting in a waiting room next to one another or even strolling through Central Park, all of their lives are woven together somehow. It is possible for a Manhattan socialite to encounter grocery store clerk from the Bronx and even for them to find some spark of common interest between them- opposites do attract. So, join us and add to our mixture, because we all know that variety is the spice of life and everybody loves New York.

Check us out. [info]iloveny_mod
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[23 Jan 2008|12:19pm]
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[23 Jan 2008|12:30pm]
joaquin phoenix, liv tyler, dane cook, billy crudup, naomi watts [info]headliner
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[23 Jan 2008|01:03pm]
More Doctor Who/Torchwood characters to [info]parabolical!!
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[23 Jan 2008|01:09pm]

[info]creativeartists | [info]richardlovett
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[23 Jan 2008|01:14pm] Jensen Ackles maybe.
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[23 Jan 2008|01:54pm]
Justin Long, Sarah Polley, Kate Beckinsale, Mark Ruffalo, Liv Tyler, Keri Russell, Gwyneth Paltrow: [info]travelocity/[info]priceline. Please?
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[23 Jan 2008|02:03pm]
[info]hardcover The rest of Paramore, the rest of Fall Out Boy, The Academy is, Say Anything, Cobra Starship, Cute is What We Aim For, Audrey Kitching....this list could go on forever.
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[23 Jan 2008|04:39pm]
Home for Lee Pace (and possibly Amy Adams)?
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the quarantined [23 Jan 2008|05:11pm]

rules | characters | application | the mods | tropes | hold a character

You wake up to the smell of smoke.

In the year 2008, a virus swept North America. Ever vigilant for a pandemic, citizens boarded up their windows, stockpiled their canned goods, and turned their neighbors in to the CDC. Short wave radios fell off the shelves, evacuation routes were prepared. Gas masks and specialty filtration systems were distributed. Pills were available for those showing early symptoms. Pills that did not work. That were later replaced with cyanide as their active ingredient. For those who were brave enough to put their fingers near a loved one's mouth. The United States, Canada, Mexico, the virus swept down into South America and festered in the heat of the jungle. In some places it burned out. Superstition ruled and saved lives. But nothing stopped the virus.

You wake up to the crackle of dead airwaves.

Three months after the first diagnosed case of Currere Excessum was recorded, NATO approved Great Britain's use of nuclear force against the United States. It was assumed that all organic material would be reduced to ash under the impact. It was assumed that the Quarantine of the Americas would be temporary, at best. Any who survived the blast would be given the highest in humanitarian attention and medical care. The only American emissaries who knew of the plan lay incinerated in Washington. The Quarantine continued. The Americas lay abandoned. Empty.

You wake up to the scratching sounds.

Except for the Nuclear Autumn. Some died in the blast, others didn't. The virus was resilient. The ash of the blast rose into the sky, infecting the atmosphere with darkness. Clouds rolled in to stay permanently. And the creatures came out in the permanent gloom. Any survivors were quickly swept into the clutches of their word nightmares. The twilight that came at midday would be the safest time for any to attempt to find rescue. If there was any rescue to be found.

You wake up in time to run.

Now, there is a matter of survival. The human race has been diminished to almost nothing, less than a percentile of its original population. The Hordes still linger, swarming in larger cities, feasting on the remains of those killed in the blast. But their preference is for live flesh. The land is scoured. Livestock and housepets, those that were not decimated by the blast, are killed instantly. Survivors start out alone, but they pick up others. Some they'd never trust. Some they must. Survival rates are higher in groups. The mission is survival: Feed, clothe, and keep moving before the Horde can catch up. Don't get sick. Don't slow down. And hope that one day, the Quarantine will be lifted.


~ Brand new game! We'll begin once we have fifteen characters.
~ Supportive of both personal and game-wide plots.
~ We have a list of tropes made for your convenience in making a new character, or if you don't like what you seee, feel free to make your own.
~ There are plenty of in-game activities to provide opportunities for personal character development.
~ NC-17 friendly, which also means the game is for players over the age of seventeen.
~ Slash, femme-slash and het friendly.


Come one, come all!
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Where All Roads Lead ~ New Slash-based RPG at Livejournal [23 Jan 2008|05:42pm]

In the past, it used to be said that all roads lead to Rome. But where else could you find a miniature world of sky-scraping towers of glass and concrete, replica-landmarks from across the globe, and also a niche to make of your world what you will? In what other city does a Strip of lights rival the stars in its shine, when the sun dies down and the rest of the continent sleeps? In what wild imagination is there such an oasis of seedy debauchery, abandoned and isolated to the middle of a desert landscape that is more tranquil and beautiful than the dreams that spurned its formation?

Welcome to Las Vegas---the setting known to many as Sin City, and to a handful as home. And in this setting of desert dust and its neon outlines, its endless string of hotel-rooms and casinos, electric clubs and bars that never close---tourists and townies collide, famous faces and the anonymous exchange glances, and everything is realized to be a risked gamble... of hearts and faiths and benjamins.


And the city is calling out for the lost and the forlorn, the downtrodden vagabonds on their last dime of hope, the sinners and saints, the souls craving, always, for more---for a reality that is intricate, multi-layered and deviously complex.
We are calling out to serious players and talented writers, those with a focus on the delicate craft of character-development and storyline engagement, and those who recognize that this 'game' is not just a hobby---it's an experience.

If you fit the bill and can afford to pay it, fill up your tank of gas and take a drive...
down to Where All Roads Lead.


Fast Facts: Slash-based Celebrity/Partially-AU Longterm RPG; started in January 2008; played primarily through LiveJournal and AIM; set loosely in Las Vegas, Nevada; het/femme-slash/original-characters welcomed.

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[23 Jan 2008|06:03pm]
[info]originate More P.S. I Love You cast members, Denis Leary, Jennifer Tilly, Matt Sorum, Slash, Linda Perry, Joan Jett, Chrissie Hynde, Zoe Kravitz, Billy Zane, Sandra Oh, Sarah Polley, Woody Harrelson, Elisabeth Shue, Maria Bello, Lori Petty, Shelly Cole, Tom Cruise, the guys of Girls Against Boys, Kings of Leon and what the hell, Alison Goldfrapp, too.
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[23 Jan 2008|06:15pm]
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[23 Jan 2008|06:55pm]

Beverly Hills has long been the location of some of the richest, most famous people in the world. Several of its most notable residents make their home in Beverly Park, an exclusive gated community. But being on top isn't always as easy and glamorous as the movies make it seem. Don't believe me? Find out for yourself.

Brand new game, tons of premades, adds after sufficient amount of applications!

[info]beverlypark | [info]beverlyparkmod
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[23 Jan 2008|07:33pm]

Come onnnn.
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[23 Jan 2008|07:58pm]
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[23 Jan 2008|07:58pm]
[info]phamous brand new community!
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[23 Jan 2008|08:31pm]
[info]originate Adam Sandler, Jennifer Garner, Terrence Howard, Kate Bosworth, Jeremy Sisto, Cheryl Hines, J.J. Abrams, Scott Speedman, Erika Christensen, Alicia Witt, Evan Rachel Wood and the Heroes cast (minus Milo, Ali, Hayden and Kristen). Please and thank you.
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[23 Jan 2008|08:46pm]
home please!
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[23 Jan 2008|08:58pm]
slash psl?
i'm looking for either a Brendon Urie/Ryan Ross or any other FBR guys to be paired with

comment or IM me at bden sings
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[23 Jan 2008|09:22pm]
TOM BRADY [info]producer PLEASE GOD!
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[23 Jan 2008|10:02pm]
What females are wanted at [info]representation?
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[23 Jan 2008|10:07pm]
In the Blood ([info]intheblood_rpg) is an alternate universe role playing game based on Disney's Pirates of the Carribean. In this universe, Jack Sparrow and Will Turner are brothers. When their ship was raided during the crossing from England, the two brothers (and their sister) were separated. Will and his younger sister were found by the Swanns and taken to Port Royal while Jack (aka John Turner) was claimed by a crew of pirates.

Having no memory of his former life or of his family, Jack chose to stay with the Pirates...becoming the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow. But now the quest to reclaim his ship has taken him to Port Royal where a blacksmith's apprentice and a maid in the governor's house are sure to stir up some long forgotten memories.

The game will pick up essentially at the beginning of the first movie, with Jack's arrival in the Port Royal.

To apply for a character, go to [info]intheblood_mod.
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[23 Jan 2008|10:14pm]
[info]producer. Someone fabulous.
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[23 Jan 2008|10:26pm]
I want a Pierre Bouvier/David Desrosiers line <b>SO</b> bad. It can be a PSL, or we can move it into a comm.  I just really want one. :[ We can discuss details over here, or on AIM. I do PB, CELEB, and AU. I don't do vampire/witches/mutants/anything like that. I can play David or Pierre. <b>pbouvsp</b>
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[23 Jan 2008|11:05pm]

Let's Cruise is an established and active PB community which began on GJ in June 2007. We have recently moved to IJ, and now we are expanding - not only can you play a character who works on a cruise ship, you can now also play characters who work at the cruise line's corporate headquarters in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. These characters can include lawyers, accountants, administrative assistants, typists, receptionists, and more! If you are looking for a game that focuses on character development and writing, with a unique setting and lots of storyline opportunities, please check us out via [info]threehourtour. The corporate side of the game will open after 10 applications for corporate characters have been accepted. Adds for ship-based characters will be tomorrow as scheduled.
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[23 Jan 2008|11:18pm]
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[23 Jan 2008|11:30pm]
Justin Long to [info]creativeartists? I promise I won't be all "OMG MARRIAGE AND BABIES" at you! And hey, Fab Moretti and Jimmy Fallon would be nice, too. Lucy Lui would be even better.
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[23 Jan 2008|11:50pm]
:( Tom Brady to [info]producer
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