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[28 Dec 2007|08:27am]

| Rules | Other Useful Information | Application | Character List |

Most Wanted: Lucius Malfoy, Viktor Krum, Hannah Abbot, Gregory Goyle, Muggleborns, Death Eaters, Half-bloods!

Plot )

Contact Information )
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[28 Dec 2007|11:56am]

Do you want to rewrite the past?

Were you unhappy with Deathly Hallows? Did the epilogue leave you shouting, "WHAT?!" Are you angry about what happened to Snape? Still upset that Sirius died in OotP? Do you simply feel let down, ripped off, betrayed, heartbroken, or just wistful over what could have been? Or maybe you loved the book, but you still don't want to see it all end?

With magic, almost anything is possible. We can change things. We have the power.

Operation Redo
Characters | How To Join | The Story So Far
We have moved to InsaneJournal!
Current Player Count: 20 // Current Character Count: 35

Come play with us!

Operation Redo is an AU Harry Potter game that combines the Trio and Marauders eras by sending twelve students from the books into the past. We've been around since 2004, but now that there won't be any more new canon to throw us for a loop, we've decided to start over with a clean slate. Therefore, we have many characters up for adoption (see below). The game is het/slash/femslash/adult content friendly, though we concentrate on plot rather than 'ships.

( Detailed Premise )

Needed Characters:

Ron Weasley! )
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New City-Based PB game [28 Dec 2007|01:57pm]


Viva Las Vegas: A PB game
vlv_gossipgrl to apply

Viva Las Vegas is an old-school Celebrity-PB game. You create a character, you set them in Las Vegas, you socialize and move within the game. Yeah, we know, Vegas is probably the most popular setting for PB games. But there's just so much electricity about Las Vegas, we couldn't resist.

VLV's unique twist is that it centers around a fictional 'blogosphere' sponsored by one of Vegas' newspapers. The inspiration for this came from free papers like BostonNOW and Metro who sponsor blogspots where people can meet each other and report news. Both papers even post submissions from their bloggers.

Add a Craigslist-inspired classified community, the aspect of IM interaction and people following the action "off" the blogosphere and on to the Strip and beyond, and you have the elements for a great RPG.

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