Dec. 11th, 2018




Hey dudes! Kelly here with another human disaster to throw your way: Han.

Han is mute. He got his throat slit as a kid and narrowly survived, but lost his voice in the process. If your character knows ASL, great! If not, expect a lot of cold stares until he decides it’s worth the effort to communicate with you some other way.

If you came from Rome (or the area surrounding), you might have met him before. He’s a scavenger who travels around picking up odds and ends and putting them back together. These days he mostly works out of Victoria, where his adoptive father and sister live. His other sister, Natalie, disappeared a few years ago. Mention recent (and nonrecent) kidnappings to him and he’ll definitely take an interest.

Why is he here? Well, a big dumb gay is gonna see “strange dude entering empty house” and think “enemy”. Basically: Oakley is gonna shoot him. Medical types, you’re welcome. Please don’t let him die. Thanks!

Open to any and all lines!

Oct. 30th, 2018



She's heeeeeeeeere~

Love her.

But really, her bio is up in her journal if you want to take a peak. She's looking forward to smothering everyone with love and affection.

Oct. 25th, 2018



Meet Nick. Nick is from the Atreus. Nick is part of the security team of the Atreus. Nick is shy and softspoken. He's a tol dude with a big heart but he'll bear hug the shit outta to defuse a tense situation. And, you know, carry you away.

Okay, but for real, Nick has been on the Atreus for a long while. He can get on with just about anyone. Friends. People he has had to bear hug. Post duty friends outside of the Atreus. He's working with the Rome's guards too, right? I mean toss me a line and I'll probably like it.

PS Max, can Nick be the dude to carry Emi's ass away from Miri? You're lucky he has 100% self-control, Emi, 'cos he wanted to deck you in the face, bro.

Oct. 17th, 2018



Greetings! New player, new character here!

This is Daniel, or Dr. Levy, the Head of Medical in the Atreus. He's your local ship shut-in/grump/will-put-your-guts-back-on-the-inside pal. He's not entirely pleased about being on the ground, but he's doing his best. At the very least, the work keeps coming in, right? (Which is also a bad sign for someone who has zero fighting prowess.)

You can read his full bio here!

I am open to any sort of lines for him. Establishing his relations with his Atreus colleagues would be especially swell, and he's likely come into contact with non-Atreus medical personnel. Sheer randomness is great too! Feel free to terrorize him. ;)

(I'm Sky by the way! Thank you for having me!)

Oct. 14th, 2018



Hello, this is Zeus aka Zafer.

He is a doctor and will be administering to your wounds.

He is one of the scientists from the lab but did NOT take part in any torturing. He treated people and kept them alive.

He knows Rye because Rye seduced him. He knows Artemis because he's kind of her brother. He probably knows Abeona but not well because he treats organics and not robots.

He is very interested in staying alive.

Oct. 1st, 2018



a wild bossy teenager appears

during the raid on david's labs, many prisoners were rescued. one of them happened to be casenumber rud-13c, also known as rudy.

she glows all the time. looking at her in direct sunlight might be painful. she looks real neat in the dark. a good way to know she's been around is by the pieces of brittle white hair left behind.

she is a fiesty goblin who speaks in scifi references (when she is not straight up yelling) and has been stealing your things, if you want to have lost something. has a hoard in her room of books and other knickknacks. no, you can't have it back. she'll fight you. she'll fight anyone.

wanna fight?

Sep. 26th, 2018



This is Persephone of the Woods Clan. They, like their name says, live in the deep, deep woods. On the ground, not high in the tree tops. Persephone and her people speak a different language, widely known as forest language on that originated from the woods clan. Don't worry they speak English, too. Other clans know this native language (probably only conversationally, if that). Percy is also the druid to her clan. She's the witch that people make stories about. Ooooo spookkkyyyyy~

Anyway, she is one of the many captured and has pretty much been tortured since her capture. Also the lover to one Oakley Jackson. Hey, baby. Take care of ya girl 'cos she's pretty fucked up right now.

Special note: Percy has black blood to due a mutation from radiation (it just means her body can metabolize radiation at a quick rate. It's pretty neat and probably and was a delight when those psycho scientist found out.

I'm still fleshing her out. She needs connections of all kinds! Can she have her best friend in the form of Bob Morley?

Sep. 19th, 2018



Hello friends! Remember that teenager Booker rescued from the wildmen’s camp? This is him. His name is Luca Auguste Barad, and if his name sounds froofy and important that’s because it is. Or rather, his family is. Spacers in the know might recognize his last name as also belonging to the mysterious Leader of the Armada. That’s grandpa! They are not close, but sharing blood has gotten Luca a lot of benefits.

He didn’t intend to come to Earth. The ship he was visiting decided to land while he was on it and planned to ransom him for supplies from the fleet. After overhearing their plan, Luca booked it... directly into the wildmen. Whoops! Luckily he speaks French and was able to stammer out some pleas not to kill him. He spent his short tenure with the wildmen pretty terrified and was EXTREMELY relieved when his official new dad Booker came and saved the day.

He’s been living with the Jacksons since then, so you might have seen him around either trailing after Booker or Linda. He talks a lot. He’s recovering from the trauma of seeing a lottttt of murder, but when he’s doing well he’s super friendly, if a liiiiittle pompous.

More info is on his profile!

Any and all lines welcome~

Sep. 16th, 2018



Loki Wyatt

If anyone has any connections to places outside the Campus, they might be aware of a small commune of people about fifty miles north.

They're generally viewed as calm, easy going folks, welcoming to traders but ultimately fairly self-sufficient. They don't have the buildings the Campus does, instead making their home in an old camp site.

And they haven't been heard from in quite a while.

So Loki will be the first connection anyone will have with them! He's a Good Boy! He is a bad shot! He can put together cabins and do some carpentry, but is probably best placed as a full time guard on account of having a hard head. He has been trained on using a rifle.

He would like 2 be ur friend please.

Sep. 8th, 2018



sup everyone this is Sanna Olander, who wandered in with Simon from the trading seaport to the east and is another Peleus survivor. Unlike him, she's never been to Rome before and usually hunts around the bay for food and leathers, but then they heard a ship crashed and decided she wasn't going to sit this one out.

She's prone to quick decisions and action, even when she has no need to make a decision in under ten seconds or less, and doesn't get why others faff around on things that are obvious. She has a thirteen year old son (Mallory) back at the port, and from him has learned teenage (or teenage at heart) wrangling and teaching. If she can't stop him, or others, from doing stupid shit, she can teach them how to survive it.

So she's up for being useful however Rome needs her - she figures food and preparing for winter is always a safe bet at this time of the year, and she's good at making jerky - until Simon decides he's done what he needs to and it's time to head home.

Aug. 27th, 2018



Okay, so mostly everyone knows Violet is pregnant. She just hit her 26 week mark (let's pretend I've been actually keeping track). So here's a visual of how she lookin' right now.

26 weeks )

Aug. 26th, 2018



one time, rhea punched him in the face. it was awesome. hello my dudes, this is simon said, the artist formerly known as nabil said, a navigator on the peleus. surprise! there's a survivor! he's currently a traveller/trader from a sea port way out there, it's great, gets him time off and he gets to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. also gives him that sun kissed tan and ocean spray hair. if you were on the peleus, he probably doesn't remember you. if you've been around rome for a while, you'll at least be somewhat familiar with his face since he pops up once or twice a year with the goods. if not, here's a whole lotta love for you. he's back in rome to a) find out the truth about space crashes and b) trade i guess. btw, spacers, have you seen his twin brother?

possible lines: anything, everything. p.s. don't mention zombies.

Aug. 15th, 2018



Hi again!

Okay so she's accepted. Let me tell you actually about her!

Roslyse grew up in the Moon's Chosen 'cult', though she didn't ever quite know her mother. Her mother was a sorciers, who gave birth right before she was exiled because of her witchcraft and magic that was possibly a little evil and satanic. Basically everyone kind of took turns raising her, but they all kind of never cared for her because they knew that her mother was one of the exiled.

So basically she grew up to be a spy. She traveled around. If anyone is from an outside group, it's likely that she was there. Under a different name and identity. Gathering information. Taking it back to the elders. Honestly anyone from when she was a teenager to about her mid twenties (ten years ago plus) might recognize her as someone else. Then eventually she realized oh shit I'm in a cult, I should get out. Plus they hate me.

So she left. She's been at Rome for a while now. As herself. Not as a spy. But mostly as a scout. She uses what she learned as a spy though, to her own advantage.

Mostly she's been a loner, since people don't trust her but it'd be nice if she had friends and ex's and things.

Anyone who wants a thread or anything, let me know!

Aug. 12th, 2018



reppin dem cow friends


This is Max, with Beniamino Flores!

Yes! He is [info]blazar's lil bro. He hasn't seen her in quite some time.

Unfortunately, he is not very rebel-ly. In fact, he kind of handled a lot of secrets and information for the people the Janus rebels hated. Also, he slept his way to his current job of taking care of livestock and trying to implement a breeding program.

He is very D: about moving to earth since it means his comfy life with cows is coming to an end.

Also he dislikes discomfort.

tldr: Very good at handling and extraction information and scratching cows. Bad at most other things. Easily D:-faced. Needs all kind of CR!

Aug. 8th, 2018



Hello! I'm looking to join your game, and so I thought I might ask around if anyone needs anything.

Basically my only line is for [info]waylanders, teaching him how to scout and things. Other than that, she's really a blank slate. Could I fill any other lines?


Aug. 5th, 2018



Atreus babe #2

Hello! This is Alyson Hart (usually known as Alice), wife of the big strong lady down there.

Alice is a soft and smol grandma bean. She will knit for you and insist you have seconds and worry about everything you worry about too, because she cares.

She works aboard the Atreus as a veterinarian, treating the livestock they keep on the ship. She'll be very excited to meet any new Earth animals! But also very worried for her hooved and feathered beebs, since she's not sure how well they'll acclimate.

She also has a human beeb, Celia. Cee is four and looks exactly like her mother in miniature. She's very shy. Also will punch you in the kneecaps if you bother her too much, because her step-mom is maybe a little over-zealous about teaching self-defense to a four-year-old.

Both Alice and Cee are very excited to meet Effie, their grandmother and great-grandmother, respectively. She's so brave! She gave such a great speech! Where is she, please? :)

More info over here!




HELLO it is almost time for the right ship to fall. As such, here are some new friends.

Friend one: Dee.

Dee is Belladea Cosima. Head of security on the Atreus, and ex-Janus. She was part of the Janus rebellion as...DUN-DUN-DUN, Emiliano's girlfriend.

She was transferred for her part, but if you were on the Janus you would know her as the following: loud. So loud. Rage. Loud and angry. Filled with emotion, mostly negative. Serious family issues. Loud. Powered solely by coffee and rage.

Well. Things change.

After being transferred, Dee was placed into therapy. A lot of anger management. She did a lot of yoga and meditation, and calmed down a million degrees. She's still strong and protective, but now she knows how to use this to protecc and not just atacc.

On the Atreus she runs a little MMA league and a little Judo league and also teaches.

Also she's recently married. And her wife is prettier than you and nice and brings her sweaters and her step-daughter will one day rule the Atreus with an iron fist. Eat it.

Jul. 31st, 2018



Hi everyone, I'm Amanda for those of you who don't know me, and Mara has finally made her way to the game. On that note...

This is Mara. She will be making her way to Rome with her 10 year old daughter Rosalia, who just so also happens to be daughter that Roman never knew he had (they parted on not so amicable terms). Rose suffers from hemophilia, and Mara heard rumors of a space doctor in Rome.

Potential lines: Mara's kind of a loner and she's been burned in the past, so she needs some friends to break down her walls.

Let me know if you've got any ideas!

Jul. 12th, 2018



Hello, hello everyone. I realized I didn't do this for Akeyla. Sigh.

This is Deira Natividad. She is a doctor in Rome and relies on old practices, mostly old home remedies. Expect a lot of honey, ginger, and lime concoctions. And don't forget chicken soup. She also travels to help others in exchange for information, medicine, and produce. Keep them lines of friendship open yo!

When she arrives she will be learning about the space people and pack members, and what happened to them. So everything is a bit overwhelming. And the terminator...Que?!

She is open minded to meeting new people and helping the less fortunate is her main priority.

What I would like:

People she already knows in Rome. People who have traveled with her before?
The ones who are interested or skeptical of her brews.
I am open!

The fear of double posting looms over me, so I shall make it into a nice little package.

Akeyla Dawes is another character of mine that I forgot to do this for. She is Achilles and head of security. She is well trained in combat and weaponry. She takes her position seriously and only wants what is best. Her socializing skills are rather poor.

Leandro Arroyo is my ex pack member.

If you would like something, solid or throwing an idea, let me know!

Jul. 10th, 2018



Hey my dudes! It's Jay and I am also bring y'all a fourth character.

Her first name is Florence but she always always always goes by Violet. The only people who know her first name is florence are Nabil, her doctors, teachers, and those close close friends. Yeah, where are you?

Violet is a Biologist, a botanist specifically. So she is all about plant life on Earth. Totally amazed and wouldn't mind wandering around. The downside is she doesn't have enough water and food for that kind of journey atm! And the fact that she's five months pregnant. Violet isn't showing TOO much. She'd have to lift up her shirt and point it out for people to be like 'oh shit yeah you're pregnant'. She's also a teacher and that was her job on the Achilles and doing her own research on the side. She's nerdy, quirky, impulsive and sassy if you give her any lip.

    - Those good friends on the Achilles. (Since Ruth was also a teacher, I was thinking maybe Ruth and her are close buds? That would mean Violet and Griffin are buds too!)
    - Biology students who interned under her.
    - A Roman or two figuring out that she's pregnant BUT KEEPING IT A SECRET PLEASE AND THANK YOU.
    - Someone to keep her from going out of Rome to collect plant/flower samples.
    - Where the farmers at? She wants a tour. She'll probs will work with them.