Doctor Who Icontest - April 8th, 2009
Through the Vortex and Back Again

User: [info]dwicontest (posted by [info]autumnjoy)
Date: 2009-04-08 03:57
Subject: Update
Security: Public

As you may have guessed by my conspicuous absence, things in real life got out of control for me this past week. It's not an excuse for not at least posting an official extension to the current challenge, and I truly apologize to you all.

Things are more or less back to normal though, and I'll get this community back on track.
- The current challenge will now end on Saturday, April 11th. So if you haven't gotten the chance to enter yet (12 gorgeous entries so far), you've got about three and a half days left.
- Banners for the last challenge (45) will be forth-coming.

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