Doctor Who and Torchwood Threesomes

companion: [info]tayumia
time: 2008-12-25 04:34pm
adventure: FIC: Remembrance, Jack/Ianto/John, FRM
security: Public
tags:show: tw

Title: Remembrance
Author: Charlan(ka)
Pairing: Jack/Ianto/John
Rating: FRM
Summary: He stayed in the beginning because of love, but he wasn't sure if love was still the same reason he stayed now.
Author Notes: Thank you kindly to my beta, Aiden and yes there will be a sequel. XD Takes place about two years or so after Exit Wounds
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, ain't got the money to pay you.

Happy Holidays!

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immortalje posting in Doctor Who and Torchwood Threesomes
companion: [info]immortalje
time: 2008-07-23 11:33pm
adventure: Icons
security: Public
mood:busy busy
tags:!icons, show: dw, show: dw/tw, show: tw

As I said, I made threesome icons for Doctor Who and Torchwood... there are 41 in total (along with another 41 Torchwood icons)

icon2092.jpg icon2072.jpg icon2146.jpg

click here for the icons @ [info]je_fic

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