Doctor Who Fest

immortalje posting in Doctor Who Fest
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2008-10-18 10:36
Subject: FIC: Mistakes and Misconceptions
Security: Public
Music:Fanvid "Coin Operated Boy"
Tags:ianto/jack, past ianto/jack, rating: frt/pg13/teen, slash, torchwood

I meant to post this a month ago, but rl kept me so busy that I kept forgetting about it whenever I was sitting at my own computer (instead I always remembered at work where I didn't have the file on me) - sorry for that.

Title: Mistakes and Misconceptions
Author: JE/ [info]immortalje
Rating: FRT/PG 13
Request: Past Jack/Ianto - When Jack comes back, Ianto refuses to accept him back. Believing Jack had left because they were through, he's moved on.
Requestor: [info]i_want_2
Beta: nobody - just the word spellchecker
Spoiler: slight for 2x01 Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
Words: 601
A/N: This is written for Jack's PoV and I'm not sure how close I came to the prompt as I did intend to write more (and actually intended to be less sympathetic to Jack), but nothing would come...

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Agent Fox Mulder posting in Doctor Who Fest
User: [info]i_want_2
Date: 2008-09-07 12:45
Subject: Fic: External Influences 1/1 Teen
Security: Public
Tags:crossover, ianto/jack, pre ianto/jack, rating: frt/pg13/teen, slash, torchwood, torchwood/dead like me

Title: External Influences
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or Dead Like Me.
Characters: Ianto, Jack, Suzie, Owen, Toshiko.
Words: 2204
Prompt: Grim Reapers react to Jack's recovery for [info]immortalje
Fandom: Torchwood/Dead Like Me
Pairing: pre-Ianto/Jack
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Language, Violence, Character Death.
Summary: Ianto's been reassigned, even if he is still a little bitter about dying.
Author's Note: Soundtrack 'What You Feel' by Sweet, B:TVS.
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March 2009