Discworld Fan Creations
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Friday, August 17th, 2007

    Time Event
    Cross-posted to [info]teatime_fans

    Artist: Atalanta Pendragonne ([info]atalantapendrag)
    Title: assorted icons
    Rating: G to PG-13 for language
    Characters/Pairings: Jonathan Teatime
    Warning: Excessive silliness.

    Teatime icons under the cut. Want, Take, Have. )
    Rules modification and new rating system.
    I modified the rules slightly after [info]shadowstar and [info]atalantapendrag enlightened me on some MPAA wackiness.

    Since both MPAA and FictionRatings.com have copyrighted their ratings systems (even though this MAKES NO SENSE), to be sure we don't get Cease & Desist letters, I've made up my own. This is me officially saying that you are free to use this rating system on whatever website or community you like. Unfortunately you will also have to use it in this community. Sorry, guys - I'm just trying to keep us out of trouble.

    Ratings System

    A - Family-friendly. Age 5+. In art: no nudity, no sexual touching beyond kissing, no bondage/fetish outfits, no violence beyond a comedy punch. In writing: No coarse language, sex scenes or hard violence.

    B - Family-friendly. Age 9+. In art: No nudity, no sexual touching beyond passionate kisses, no violence beyond bruising or small cuts. In writing: nothing beyond tame make-out scenes; no graphic descriptions of injury, and only minor cusswords like the S-word.

    C - Not suitable for young children. Age 13+. In art: Female breasts are fine, and nudity where the genitalia can't be seen; sex can be suggested but not portrayed; injury and violence can be depicted, using your own discretion. In fiction: Adult themes and steamy make-out scenes are okay, as is suggested sex, but not descriptions of sex. Descriptions of injury and violence are fine, although you should use your discretion on what is too much. Steer away from the extremes of coarse language.

    D - Not suitable for children. Age 16+. In art: Full nudity, non-graphic sex and major injury or violence are fine. In writing: non-explicit descriptions of sex, minute descriptions of violence and coarse language are all fine.

    E - is for everything goes. Age 18+.

    I realize it's a bit of a bother learning a whole new system, but at least it shouldn't be too hard to remember. Basically, A=G, B=PG, C=PG-13, D=R, E=NC-17. And, for the purposes of this community, you only have to remember ratings A to C.

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