May 2012

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May 23rd, 2012

[info]mistressmuggles in [info]dunderkitty

Welcome to Dunderkitty Icons! There are a few rules but they're simple so don't sweat it. All posts are public for now until I run into some issues. I will try to post as often as possible but with obligations in the real world, I can't promise you that it will be every day. I will take requests and if you have any, please comment to this post and provide me with some picture links. One of the things I like is making icons of people that often don't get used as PBs and hopefully this will give you some ideas when you're searching for that perfect PB face. Anyway on to the rules.

1. Please credit! I know these aren't works of fine art but I do spend time on them and it would be nice to get a little credit. All you have to do is put [info]dunderkitty in your keywords.

2. Take as many as you like but let me know what you're taking. These helps me to know what people would like to see more of.

3. Tell your friends! The only way this place can grow is through advertisement. Tell everyone you got it at [info]dunderkitty

One last thing. In case you are wondering about the cat in the banner, yes he is mine. His nickname is Dunderkitty and this commuity is named after him. :)