Posts Tagged: 'location:+mckinley+high'

Jul. 15th, 2013



[No Subject]

Who: Quinn and Tina
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Choir Room
What: Quinn making a glee friend?
Status/Rating: Incomplete/PG-13ish
Warnings: None

I just don't know what to do now )

Jun. 4th, 2013



[No Subject]

Who: Rachel and Open
When" Oct 5th, 2009
Where: McKinley ballet room
What: practicing for Caberet
Warnings: TBA

May. 30th, 2013



[No Subject]

Who: Santana and Aria
When: 09/31/09
Where: McKinley High
What: Making new friends
Warnings: None

May. 1st, 2013



[No Subject]

Who: Quinn & Rachel
When: 09/10/09
Where; McKinley High
What: arguing about Finn
Warnings: TBA