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Get Angel(us) Laid Chart! [Sep. 13th, 2007|04:58 pm]

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[Current Location |The Comfy Chair]
[Current Mood | cold]
[Current Music |Some guy lying about screwing his nanny.]

Community/Challenge: [info]getlaid25

Get Angel(us) Laid!
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel

About the Character: Angel is the original vampire with a soul, cursed by gypsies with a conscience and driven to do good and make the world a better place. He began his fictional existence as a legendary monster, but became the lover of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Forced to leave her, he moved to Los Angeles to continue the good fight, and saved the world many times in his own right, sometimes one soul at a time.

Why he/she needs to Get Laid: Angel's curse had a loophole -- if he has a moment of perfect happiness, he loses his soul. He didn't discover this loophole until after he made love with Buffy for the first time -- and for years afterward avoided any intimacy with women for fear of losing his soul again. In the course of five seasons, he got laid only a couple of times, poor guy!

What 25 Lucky Characters Will GET ANGEL(US) LAID? )

These will be drabbles, ficlets and full fics.


10/24/07 - I changed the Firefly crossover to Supernatural since it seems I've developed a penchant for Angel/Dean. *G*
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My Angel 100 Moods Chart [Aug. 11th, 2007|12:21 am]

[Tags|, , , , ]
[Current Location |North Carolina]
[Current Mood | peaceful]
[Current Music |Firefly: Serenity]

Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series
Claim: Angel the character

Chart Under Here )

If you're not familiar with 100moods, you can find info on what I'll be doing HERE.

Update List:

Completed to August 2007: annoyed, content, curious, embarrassed, indescribable, kinky, sad
08/21/07: Scared
09/13/07: Grateful
10/24/07: Worried
10/31/07: Predatory
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