Dublin Storylines' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Dublin Storylines

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[28 May 2015|04:48pm]
Hello Dublin!

I'll be apping this girl shortly, just finishing up her bio thought maybe I'd post a thing in here see if I can flesh some things out a little.

This is Beau, single mother to [info]sawmoore who she had at 16 but refused to let that keep her down, worked her way through college and became a well known novelist when her book series "Hemmington Vale" was released. She took her daughter everywhere with her, book tours, signings everything. There is nothing she won't do for that kid.

Personality wise, she's a smart assed, spunky, stubborn, wise cracking, joke machine, tough as nails won't put up with any shenanigans from anyone. She's a workoholic however, she knows how to have fun when the time comes.

As for lines well, I'm open to anything and everything!! Friends, other family members (I kept her family open just in case), her editor/manager, maybe even her daughter's father who has no idea he even has a daughter? She tells everyone she doesn't know, including Sawyer but, she totally does so some fun drama there haha
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