Dublin Storylines' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Dublin Storylines

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[27 May 2015|12:20am]
hello everyone! i'm bringing in this lovely, who's only connection, so far, is being [info]irisb's ex-girlfriend with whom she's recently reconnected with. she has lived in dublin her entire life save the time she spent in london for uni and the last year or so she's spent in the states promoting her latest novel. she's absolutely the suffering writer type, though she hasn't quite quit her day job of helping her mother out around the family floral shop and nursery. she fancies herself a bit of a horticulturist. beyond all that, she's the type to be very straight-forward and lack a bit of tact when she speaks. she doesn't really believe in catering to people's feelings unless absolutely necessary. she's also the type to live very much in the present without much of a plan and is complete denial of being closer to thirty than twenty.

she could use anything! men of all ages who have dated her hippiesque mother however briefly, former flings and exes of either gender, other writers, anyone who would have a need of flowers, a best mate, members of her book club in which they do more drinking than reading and anything and everything your heart desires.
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[27 May 2015|11:55pm]
Hey there people!

I'm about to App this lovely lady right here, so I thought I'd put up a post, should any of you wish to take on a line with her!

This is Sawyer Moore, she is 26 and is [info]beaumoore's daughter. (The player of that character will be joining soon as well!) And let it be known: Her mother is everything to her.

However she does need a social life outside of her 42 year old mommy, so I'm looking for anyone who's interested in a line. Be it friendship or of the romantic nature (She's a lesbian though.)

She's a journalist, and has just recently returned to Dublin. She's lived in New York since she was 18, attended NYU and took on a job at TIME magazine. If you're interested in learning about her life you can read up about it right Here.

I hope this gathers interest. I'm very excited about joining this game. Fingers crossed I get accepted!
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