the drop ship

Posts Tagged: 'malia+tate+%28isalwayscold%29'

Apr. 17th, 2015



I'm like 80 percent convinced this is a hallucination.

And y'know what? I am totally okay with that right now.

Apr. 5th, 2015



Who: Malia Tate and Tobias Eaton
What: Tobias' arrival
Where: Mount Weather
When: Sunday
Warnings: Tobias is prone to panic attacks
Status: Closed

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Apr. 4th, 2015



I'm going to assume other people are actually reading this post?

Right then. I'm in the white room. Anybody got any insight about this radiation issue? I'm not sure how I feel about consenting to a blood transfusion without talking to someone face to face, first.



I'm really not sure what to make of this place.

What needs to be done, though? I need to at least earn my keep, or something.