Apr. 18th, 2009


Someone drew a gorgeous Hermione/Luna artwork (rated R) for [info]hp_april_fools. Definitely check it out!

Jan. 3rd, 2008


Luna fest

There is a Luna fic and art exchange on LiveJournal if anyone here wants to participate or watch called luna_exchange. The sign ups are late January.

I wasn't going to mention it as it is on LJ (I prefer promoting fests/fics/art on IJ or any of the other journaling sites), but hey, Luna love is awesome anywhere.

I also made a RSS feed for the fest for those who do not have LJs or don't check their LJ flists frequently. [info]luna_exchangeij.

Dec. 30th, 2007



[info]neville100 has officially moved to IJ and is opening up shop this week! [info]neville100 is a weekly drabble community for all Neville centric ships (het/slash/gen). So join the community and leave suggestions for prompts here!