the light dims...
 dreamingdarkly - (lost_girl)
03:35pm 01/02/2009
Lost_Girl posting in Cthulhu, Dreaming Darkly
He has drawn them in. He was so charmingly hesitant to talk about the horror he witnessed and yet so easily exposed them to the real danger. But that is the way of things. His anxiety to find a logical explanation for what he has seen is intoxicating... I suppose that goes for all of them. Their belief in the rational, their devotion to science and learning, their eagerness to disprove what they do not wish to accept has already been their undoing. All three of them are losing their way in the dark now. Still clinging to the illusion of normalcy, they have not yet noticed, not one of them, that they are sliding ever so slowly away from reality. What was it the photographer said? "I'm a believer at parties." Soon it will be so much more than that.

They think their resistance and rationalizing will save them. How delightfully innocent they are, especially the doctor who imagines himself so immune. One cannot blame him for his belief, his knowledge has ever been a shield and sword to him. Its only natural he believes that will be the case now. All the more fun to watch. They rid the world of the entity. They are resourceful and determined and not easily distracted from their goals. Let them wrap the world they think they know around them like a quilt a while more. The seeds of their destruction are sown, they have entered the labyrinth, there will be no turning back that does not draw them deeper in.

One more dreamer has yet to show herself, but I hear her soft steps approaching. So ineffectually cautious, as if a slow approach will ameliorate the consequences of stepping into the trap. Soon she will be snared and they will all be lost in the dark, willing themselves to wake from the nightmare, waiting for daylight that will never come.
mental state: amused amused
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"What good is truth at midnight, in the dark, when the wind is roaring like a bear in the chimney? What you need are the plump comforts of a story. The soothing, rocking safety of a lie."
~Vida Winter

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