Oct. 1st, 2008


Article in New Raleigh...


Very promising news indeed!

Feb. 21st, 2008


Movie Review (spoilers)


Be warned, it's not a positive review. Color me biased, but methinks the reviewer is not familiar with any facet of the novel. The Buckner comment really takes the cake, though. ARGH.

Ah well, what do they say opinions are like? Oh yeah...

Feb. 20th, 2008


A thank you, two blurbs, and a VIP's review.

First of all, A big thank you goes to Diana Prince at the Stephan Bender Forum, for her mention of our wee group!!

::waves to everyone at the board::

Secondly, two blurbs I ran across this morning:

Randy Wayne mention, 2006

Voting cards at Berlinale, etc

And last, but CERTAINLY not least, an outstanding movie review by the man himself, Jim Grimsley- CLICK!


Exberliner mention.

Based on … movies, books, Homer and Hollywood

Feb. 18th, 2008


Richard Buckner articles and a sample of his work...





Feb. 15th, 2008


A few things today...

Jim Grimsley interview

James Bolton video interview at Berlinale

Lovely movie review by Zeckko at Blogspot (spoilers, but only if you haven't read the book)

I've been watching Wireimage and Getty for possible shots of Max, Stephan, James and Jim at Berlinale...no joy yet, I'm afraid.

Will keep ya posted.

Have a good weekend!