April 3rd, 2008

[info]omarandjohnny in [info]dreamboyfans

New pics from Berlinale, and screening news!

First of all, many thanks again to stephanbender.com for keeping us in the know! ;)

You can find pics from the Berlinale Film Festival in their gallery HERE.

And from their front page:

"Dream Boy" Screening at Emory U.
On April 11th, "Dream Boy" will be screening at "Dream Boy" author Jim Grimsley's alma mater, Emory University, in Atlanta, Georgia. Scheduled to appear are Stephan, Max Roeg, and director James Bolton.

There will be two screenings on campus: one at 4:30 PM followed by another at 7:30 PM. There will be an hour-long Q+A panel session from 9-10PM following the screenings.

And, it sounds like we're going to see a movie poster soon, yay!